Chapter Seven

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(I should preface this by saying this: There will be major time skips between a few chapters. I don't exactly want to have too many fillers and I can't draw out one point across too many chapters. It's too difficult for me. I'm only 14 pls. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this.)

A month had passed and the two had gotten closer and closer. Evan was at Connor's almost every day now, and not just for studying. Occassionally, they would just relax in Connor's room and watch movies or play games.

Connor had learned about Evan's crush on Zoe around a week after meeting him and accidentally laughed. When he was asked what was funny, he had to break it to Evan that, well...

Zoe is the biggest lesbian he had ever met.

Evan almost immediately deflated but got over himself, fixing himself up and claiming that he was over her already. Connor just shook his head and offered to play some Crash Bandicoot.

Now it was October and Halloween was nearing the corner. Orange and black decorations where everywhere and pumpkin spiced lattes were in everyone's hands.

Including Evan's.

Connor stared at the boy like he was mad, a frown on his face. Evan drank it innocently, smiling softly. He even offered it to the taller one, which got a playful gag. Evan frowned.

"It's good, Connor!" He pouted lightly. Another thing that had happened over the past month, one Connor thought would never happen, is Evan coming out of his shell. He really only did it when they were in a quiet, more private setting like they were now. Connor shook his head.

"They taste like ass." Connor remarked, sipping his Chai. Evan huffed and just went back to drinking his drink, kicking his legs. Connor honestly thought it was adorable how short Evan was, it went well with his little but of chubbiness as well. He had learned that Evan was only 5'4", 7 inches shorter than himself(5'11"!).

Over the past month, certain feelings had developed inside of Connor for Evan. He had the urge to hold him close and keep him safe, the urge to make him happy and smile. He thought the little things he did were adorable and the noises he made through the day were cute.

Connor, although he didn't know it yet, was madly in love with Evan. Although Connor knew he was gay, he trried his best not to think about Evan that way. He highly doubted Evan was gay and even if he was, he most likely only thought of him as a friend.

So he suffered in silence.

The next day, Connor was pressed agaisnt his wall as Evan got dressed. He was staring down at his phone, not wanting to make the boy anymore flustered than he was.

"O-Okay, I'm ready." Connor looked up to see Evan in a Halloween costume before snorting. He was dressed as an Angel, but with a modern twist. A.K.A, He had stolen one of Connor's only white hoodies and bought white pants and shoes, buying some halloween store wings and a halo as well. Connor was wearing a red hoodie and black pants with his red converse. He had on horns and a tail. He was the devil.

It's as if they were a couple, what, with their matching costumes and all.

Connor smiled at Evan before speaking, "Looks good. The hoodie is huge on you, though." He laughed softly as Evan glared at him.

"It's not my fault you're a giant, Connor Murphy!" He stomped his foot like a child, earning a mocking 'd'aww' from Connor. There was a knocking at the door before it opened, showing Zoe in a Belle costume.

"Hey, I'm heading out to Alana's, you want a ride anywhere?" She raised an eyebrow at the two's costumes but said nothing. Connor shook his head.

"We're gonna stay in the neighborhood and get some GIANT candy bars from the rich dudes." He grinned wide and Evan nodded excitedly, his eyes sparkling with joy. Zoe frowned a bit and shook her head.

"You two are gonna get stomach aches," She rested her hand on her hips, pointing a finger at Connor, " And it's gonna be your fault." Connor's hands shot up in defense and he laughed.

"I didn't say we were eating it all tonight, Zoe!" He was giggling softly as he looked back at Evan, who seemed Eager to head out. The younger girl sighed, standing up straight.

"Fine. Now go, you dorks. Mom and Dad are at work." She waved them off as they grabbed pillow cases and ran downstairs, laughing like 10 year olds.

They spent the rest of the night holding hands as they walked through the neighborhood.

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