Chapter Eightteen

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(I'm witing this in the middle of a very bad dissociation spell. Please forgive me if I make a few errors.)

"....And perhaps they had found a mew thing along the way, a form of love and hope that they had never seen in their short lives."
Evan let out a soft breath as he closed the thick book, looking at the still sleeping Connor. It had been a week and he still hadn't awoken. Evan had showed up to the hospital to sit by his bed every single day, reading a book that his mother had bought him a year ago.

He finished it in a total of four days, just from reading aloud to his boyfriend. He put the book in his bag as he sighed, squeezing Connor's hand gently and slinging his satchel over his shoulder.

"I should get home. Mom has work tonight and I don't want her to have to come in and wake me up again." He gave a shakey smile to Connor as tears welled up in his eyes. He quickly blinked them away and let out a shaky breath
Turning and walking to the door, he put his hand on the handle.


His heart stopped. He shakily looked back, seeing an exhausted Connor looking at him through moist eyes. His breath caught in his throat and he threw himself at the taller boy, gripping onto him for dear life and sobbing louder than the day he had found him in the bathroom. His body shook hard as he buried his face into his boyfriend's neck, choking on air as he struggled to breathe.

He was awake. His Connor was awake and he wasn't ever letting him go.


It had been a few minutes and Evan was calming down, a hand on the small of his back as he nuzzled his face into Connor's collarbone. His sobs had been reduced to soft sniffles and whimpers, and Connor knew he was covered in snot and tears and all sorts of disgusting bodily fluids. Though, he didn't care. All that Connor felt was guilt. He knew he had caused tremendous amounts of pain to Evan and Heidi, he had heard their crying as he lied in a state of semi-unconsciousness.

Connor frowned and kissed Evan's forehead weakly, looking up at the ceiling as a single tear rolled out from the corner of his eye.

"I'm so sorry, Evan."

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