Chapter Seventeen

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(I'm really sorry this took so long to publish, i keep having really bad mental breakdowns and I'm starting to get harrassed about my trauma and how I cope, so it's hard to do anything other than talk to my depended and try and calm down. Thanks for 5k though.)

Evan rushed to Connor's room, almost breaking down when he saw the state he was in. He had lost a lot of blood, the nurse said, and they thought he wouldn't wake up for a long while due to that. He saw his bandaged up arms and reached out a shaky hand to hold the cold one of his lover. He sat in the chair next to the bed, feeling tears start to fall once more.

"I-I'm so sorry, Connor." Evan sounded broken, holding his hand shakily. Tears freely flowed down his cheeks as he spoke, looking at the ground. He shouldn't have let it get this far. He should've watched Connor and should've been more alert, especially after today.

He sighed as he looked up to see his sleeping boyfriend, brushing his hair out of his face gently.

"Oh, Connor..." His voice was soft and broken, "I miss you already. I want to see your smile and hear your laugh, and it's only been a few hours.... God, I miss you..." He started to shake again but calmed down, squeezing Connor's hand and looking back at him. "I'll come visit you every day, y'hear? You might be in here for a while, and t-then you'll be baker-acted, but I'll visit you then too! As much as I can." He gave a shaky smile and nuzzled his hand.

"I love you, Connor Murphy. I love you so much."

(I'm sorry it's so short.)

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