Chapter Thirteen

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(Warning: Abuse implied and Religious Holiday (Christmas!). I was gonna make Evan Jewish but I then realized I don't know much about being Jewish so I stuck with what I grew up with.
Also this chapter is extra gay.)

A few days ticked by and Evan was allowed home. The three had been given instructions on how to take care of the healing wounds on Evan's chest and a prescription for pain meds before being sent home.

Currently, Evan was sitting up in bed, his laptop playing some of his favorite shows as he relaxed. He  may have been slightly high on the very strong pain medication that he had been prescribed, but he wasn't complaining. His hand was gently brushing though the soft hair of his boyfriend, who was asleep on his thigh.

Connor snores were soft and his face was relaxed, his eyes moving under his eyelids, showing that he was in a very deep sleep. He moved very rarely, which Evan was thankful for. He didn't want his laptop being flung across the room from one of Connor's night terrors.

Honestly, Connor hadn't had one since he moved in with Evan and his mom, which proved something was going on in a previous environment that proved to be putting way too much stress on the poor boy. Evan's eyebrows furrowed in worry as he thought about it more and more. His boyfriend didn't enjoy going to his house and didn't enjoy Evan seeing his parents. Every time his mother would raise her voice at all, Connor would flinch and sink back. Every time his father raised his hand for any reason, Connor would scramble away, dashing for his room with Evan in tow.

Evan never once thought to ask why, but now it was painfully obvious as Connor had tome to relax and open up more.

Evan ran a shaky hand through his hair, his eyes squeezed shut as he tried to even out his breathing. He quietly closed his laptop and put it under his bed, leaning back and playing with Connor's hair. He slowly but surely calmed down, his eyes drooping as he fell into an uneasy slumber.


Evan awoke to gentle shaking, a soft voice calling for him. He groaned gently and opened his eyes slowly, looking at the source of the voice. His mother, Heidi, was smiling softly as she gently called his name.

"Hey, Honey, how are you?" Her voice was soft and caring and she had a pleasant smile on her face. He gave a small smile back, going to answer before realizing the head on his though was gone. He looked at the now empty spot, anxiety bubbling in his throat. His mom quickly noticed and ruffled his hair, causing him to look at her. "He's downstairs, finishing up his wrapping."

Wrapping? Why would Connor be- Evan's eyes lit up and he sat up fast before making a soft 'oof' noise, leaning back slowly. Heidi gave an apologetic smile before ruffling his hair again.

"It's Christmas, Honey. You need help downstairs?" Evan nodded gently and she smiled going over and moving him to the edge of the bed before sliding her arm under his armpit and around to the other side of his frame. She gently lifted him from the bed and, slowly but surely, they made their way downstairs, stopping occasionally to give Evan time to catch his breath. Once they were downstairs, Evan immediately fell back onto the couch, his chest heaving and falling. That was the most he had moved since he got out of the hospital.

He heard gentle shuffling before the couch beside him dipped and a soft pair of lips pressed against his cheek. He opened his eyes to see Connor, his cheeks pink, with a small, wrapped box in his hand. He nudged it against the smaller boy's arm, his cheeks getting brighter.

"M-Merry Christmas, Evan, a-and happy a-a-a-" His cheeks were too red; he was so embarrassed. He looked at Heidi for help, who looked like she was trying to stifle a laugh. He squeezed his fists together, looking down from Evan, "a-anniversary."

Evan's eyes widened. He had forgotten, what, with all of the events going on. His eyes welled up with tears and he gently pulled Connor into a hug, shaking and whispering.

"H-Happy anniversary, Connor Murphy."

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