01- Fair.

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Welcome to society. A place full of narcissistic bullshit and abrupt people who like to ruin your day. High school, you basically have to act like an alien to fit into the damn thing. So why would anyone want to do something so atrocious? Only the dumbest of the dumb. And before you say anything.. I'm not one of those people.

I'm Cova Sprouse, daughter of a celebrity and a mother who passed away not to long ago. Luckily for me, high school is over. So why would I be talking about the repulsive dwelling? I'd just like to share a little about my experience.

What is Arlington Hills High School? My mother might've specified it a little differently than I will. That's because she was never involved in much, and neither was my dad. I was on the high school drill team.

Before you ask what that is. Let me explain... it's dance. Or to save me time, just look it up yourself. Anyways, emo's and goths overruled the team. But I.. lucky me, was put in the front of every formation.

I don't have anything against people who are emo, or goth. I deeply respect their differences, and ability to embrace their true self. If anything they should be overruling me because sometimes I feel like a real jackass.

I dated five of the most popular guys in school once upon a time. Aiden, Beckham, Remi, Alex, and Kelton. I had never been bullied before until the moment I started to date the first guy. Aiden...

I remember the first time I laid eyes on that blonde bastard with dimples and blue eyes. I was mesmerized, but that tragic night you took my virginity. Which only made me become more and more of a slut.

It brings us to this time. My despondent life that consists of nothing but boredom... I've been waiting to go to college, and because of my mom's passing, I'm able to. But I just can't figure out where I want to go.

College, it's a whole other story. But is it as a blank minded as high school? I guess it's an unknown question until I go that is.


I planned on going to a carnival this very melancholy night. Jenna, she was the only friend who had stuck with me throughout the years. She and I were a lot alike, which meant most people didn't like us being in their presence.

By alike, I guess we can be rude and spoiled at times. But we try to have fun like actual teenagers. I was wearing white shorts and a black thrasher T-Shirt.

"Are you ready?" she walks into my room, the room I have had since I was born. Of course, it's transformed a bit since then, but it reminded me of my mom.

"Yep, why are we going to this dumb thing again?" I ask.

"Because Isaiah is going to be there," she shrills, "I have to go Cova, and I know that it'll be awkward if I go alone. I just know he likes me."

"We aren't in high school anymore Jenna," I gawk, "But since I love carnivals, I'll come with you."

Suddenly my father walks in. My dad, if he would've been my age currently he'd be all mine. And it sort of makes me feel uncomfortable thinking about it, "Where are you going tonight Cova?"

"Why?" yes, he deserved to be treated better than the way I treated him. "I've graduated dad."

"I realize that but I don't want you hooking up with mysterious guys," he shivers, walking closer to us, "Don't do drugs, don't smoke."

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