12- Drama.

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  It's been three long weeks with this little boy, Cru Reign Anthony. Every single Friday I get sent a check with a bunch of money on it, but that wasn't the only thing keeping me on my feet. It was the joy of getting to watch the little boy grow, and realizing that I wasn't a little girl anymore.

  "Hey babe, we never have time to ourselves," Corey seemed frustrated as he lied on the bed next to me, "When are you going to give up this child?"

  "Could you be anymore selfish?" I roll my eyes and turn to face the opposite wall.

  "What the hell did you just say?" I was surprised by how uptight and angry he sounded, "Cova, you really fucking think you can just talk to me like I'm a useless piece of shit?"

  "Uh, excuse me Corey? You're the one being an asshole," I correct him, "Don't you ever talk to me like that again."

  "But you can talk to me like that?" he stands up, picks me up by the shoulders and throws me to the ground, "Well bitch, I'm done with you."

  He was drunk. And I'd never witnessed him being drunk before. "Don't you ever touch me like that again!" I try dodging past him, but he pushes me into the dresser; I could see glass fall onto my head.

  "What the fuck!" every word sounded blurred, but I swear my dad and Justin ran into the room, "Get away from my little girl, you sick motherfucker."

  I finally regained vision, and saw Justin lifting me off of the ground and carrying me out of the room; my dad, he was pinning Corey to the floor. I just didn't understand why he got abusive just because I gave him an attitude.

  "Are you okay?" Justin breathes heavily, swiping my hair out of my face, "Oh my god, you're bleeding."


  "You're bleeding Hun, look," he guides me to the nearest bathroom, and then locks the door, "Your chin, right there."

  "Oh fuck, look under that cabinet. I'm pretty sure there is some crazy first aid thing," I groan, and try to close up the wound. Justin grabs a box out from under the cabinet, and quickly pulls out a needle and thread. "Um, excuse me honey buns, what do you think you are doing with that?"

  "Closing up your wound."

  "No, no, no, I don't need stich—" I couldn't respond without him pinning me to the counter and shoving the needle into my chin.

  "Sorry baby, but I know what I'm doing. I took all of those medical classes at school," he informs me as I cry from the pain, "Just know, I'd never abuse you."


  The stitches sure as hell looked ugly, but I felt safer now that the cops where called. Corey, my apparent abusive boyfriend was spending a couple nights in jail. I.. was alone with the baby, feeling my head ache and my chin occasionally hurt.

  It was an afternoon as I prepared a sandwich for Cru. I'm not going to lie.. this roll, it was getting annoying. But this child needed someone who actually cared. So I had to care.

  "Hey," I jumped once again hearing Justin's voice. The room still wasn't finished being built. And I'm sure he just wanted to get closer to me, "I have a baby appointment with Navi, wanna come?"

  "And why would I want to come?" I stern, "No, no, and no."

  "But why? I don't feel comfortable being around Navi. But, she's carrying my fucking child. So I mustn't feel that way," he rolls his eyes and walks closer to me, "Why would I ever cheat on you. I'm such a damn idi—"

His Daughter ➢ j.fWhere stories live. Discover now