13- Do you love me?

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  He was at my door step, looking sadder than ever before. And tension quickly arose once meeting eye contact, "Hey.." I slowly mumble.

  He gulped, "Hey."

  We sat and stared at each other for another 10 seconds before I allowed him into the house. Every time I now looked into his eyes, I pictured the abusive, drunk boyfriend that he was. The boyfriend who hurt me physically and mentally. It was strange how quickly he could snap.. so I had to be cautious.

  "I would've left, but I don't have a ride back to the dorms," he fidgets with his fingers, and I only nod.

   "Yeah. I would've gave you a ride but I drove to Chicago yesterday," I exclaim, walking up the creaking stairs towards my room.

  "Why did you go?"

   "Justin needed a ride to his doctors appointment. And before you get all upset, look in the mirror," it sort of just.. came out. And I knew I was already upsetting him.

   "You are my girlfriend. Not his," he glared at me, "I thought I told you to stop making contact with that son of a bitch."

  "Stop it, please," I ask politely, stopping in my tracks just to give him a synthetic look, "I've actually made a decision. And I wanted to talk to you about it."

  "C'mon, can't you give me another chance?" he rose his voice, but I immediately shhh'd him.

  "I can't live with an abusive boyfriend. Even if you've only snapped once," I place my hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry, but it's true."

   He pushed my hand away, "Good. I'd rather not be with someone he fucks Justin Foley. I'll ask my friend to pick me up," and just like that, he stammered down the stairs, away from me.

  And I felt my heart sink into the bottom of my stomach knowing he was no longer my boyfriend. "Cov—"

  "Stop!" I shout, pushing Justin to the side since he'd always startle me, "What do you want right now Justin?"

  "I just came to see if you were okay," he shoved his hands into his green pockets. And I noticed he was shirtless, "Are we going to the lake today?"

  I eyed him head to toe, legitimately wanting to spend the day with the gorgeous idiot, "I don't know.."

  "Come on baby, please?" he leaned in for a hug but I shoved him foreword.

   "Don't you dare call me baby," I poke him in the stomach, trying to act serious but ending up laughing my head off, "I guess we could go to the lake. Let me change."

  I began walking into my room but Justin grabbed ahold of my arm, "Hey, are you okay?" he was always so thoughtful, even at the worst of times.

  I partly smiled, "I'll be okay. I promise."


We drove to the lake just 10 minutes laters, which in Arlington Hills.. we called it the 'beach' It was actually hilarious because it wasn't even a large lake.

I remembered my mom telling me stories of her and my father skinny dipping in this place. Someday I would like to do the same. Probably not...

I watched Justin's gorgeous self in the sunlight, making me want to fall onto my knees and die. Knowing I looked like a fat larg next to him in my swim suit.

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