02- You again.

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Off to college I go—I think to myself. It's been almost three months since I graduated high school and the only thing I had going for myself was a part time job at Starbucks. Luckily they pay for a tiny bit of your college, but I still haven't yet left.

As I was busy eating junk food and binge watching Netflix series, he was behind the scenes figuring out my life for me. He thought I should go to college in New York like my mom did, but I thought it would be a good idea to go to the University of Chicago. Since it was close..

"Okay Covey, I need to know exactly where you want to go to college," he walks into my room wearing family guy pajama pants. Classic Cole Sprouse.

"Uh, I sent in my application for Chicago a while ago.. nothing's came of it," I say, stuffing a handful of Doritos into my mouth.

"Is this the letter?" he pulls out a sealed white envelope from behind his back and grinds his teeth, "You'll get in, I'm sure."

I gulp and take the perpetual letter out of his hands, "Well dad, this determines my future. Jenna sent in an application also."

He stares intently as I slowly open the envelope, holding my breath. It was very ostentatious, the way the cursive made everything difficult to read. But I skipped to the very bottom, seeing what it said 'Congratulations Cova Sprouse, we hope to see you soon at The University of Chicago'

"Oh my god," I double took, "How?"

"What? What does it say?" his fingers where now in his mouth, "Please tell me you made it? I'm so proud of y—"

"Yes, I made it," soon enough he was all over me with a generous hug. I loved seeing how proud he was, it made me feel important for once. "I can't wait to drive you to your first day, you are making so much progress in your life Cova. Great job."

This may be out of the subject, but I thought of how my name was based off Nova and Cole.. Cova. Who would be that dumb, to come up with such an idiotic name?

"That's alright dad, I can drive myself to college," I force a smile. It wasn't that I was embarrassed of him or anything. I just didn't like having all of the attention on me, just because my father was the spectacular Cole Sprouse.

"No need to. Please Cova, please let me?"

He made that same face he usually would to get his own way, that pouty face, "Fine.. but I'm not going until next week."

"Great, because technically I'm the reason you are going to this school. I am paying for it," he convulsed, "Love you dear, I'll be in my office if you need me."

"I have work at 2:00," I explain, stretching my arms upwards and looking towards the clock, "That's in about an hour."

"Okay, do good.."


There I stood, taking people's orders and hoping none of the people would be rude towards me. I tried my best. But no worker appreciates being yelled at for not hearing their orders.

"Cova? Earth to Cova? Stop day dream—"

"What?" I snapped out of it. Sometimes I'd be in deep thought staring at a wall in front of me when I was supposed to be working. Luckily Lucy's always there to snap me out of it.

"Oh Cova, sometimes I wonder what goes on in that head of yours," she tittles, "Come on, there is a customer waiting for you."

I yawn and walk over to the desk. "What can I get you started with?" I ask politely, not looking upwards.

"Cova, right?" I finally look up. It was Justin Foley, the dumbbell who threw up on me the other day. He was hot.. but after that incident he was just nasty.

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