06- Cheating at it's core.

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  I sat alone in my dorm, hiding under the long white canopy. I was calling my dad, needing to figure out why he couldn't have just told me that he was going to meet some chick. Of course the topic is sensitive, but he should've been honest. "Dad?" I say, as soon as the phone stops ringing.

  "Hi honey.. what's up?" he sounded anxious, as I took a moment deciding what to say. "Hello? Cova?"

  "Sorry, I was thinking.. uh, why are you lying to me?" I give him attitude, "Dylan said that you where with a girl. And you didn't tell me?"

"I'm sorry," he mumbles, "I thought you'd get mad at me. But as much as I wanted to be with your mom forever.. I can't. Please learn to live with the fact that I don't want to be alone."

  "No.. I realize that dad," I start to pace, "I just don't get why you lied to me. Of course I'd be a little upset, but it's your life."

"I know.. I'm sorry darling."

"Just whatever. Have fun fucking someone other than my mom," the words kind of slipped out of my mouth as I hung up the phone. "God, I'm so obnoxious."

What was that all about?

He texts me.


Don't talk that way.

I can handle myself, thank you very much.

  I throw my phone onto the the rug and let out a deep groan. I shouldn't have been acting like this. After all, if it weren't for my dad I wouldn't be going to college, have a nice home, or nice clothes. I look down at my silver watch, then across the room into a long mirror.

Can I come over?

Justin texts me, but I ignore him. What was I doing with my life? Yes, I was a college Freshman, but I didn't actually have planned what I wanted to do.

  Two hours later I finally leave my dorm and casually walk around campus. I sat next to a waterfall, and stared blankly at the buildings in front of me.

  "Hey, why are you ignoring me?" I don't move a muscle, seeing Justin slowly sit next to me, "What's the matter? Hello?" he starts to shake me, "Are you paralyzed?"

  "Please just leave me alone," I groan and lie down on the bench, "I don't know why I'm depressed Cole.. I miss my mom."

  "You make her sound like a lovely person, I wish we could've met," he tries to make me feel better, but I wasn't budging, "You're so beautiful.."

  "I can't wear designer clothing when I'm depressed. I look like shit, do you see this shirt? It has holes in it," I get all defensive, "My hair is all messy, and I'm wearing cheap Walmart earrings."

  "God, now you're back to being a rich bitch?"

  "Stop, you aren't supposed to call your girlfriend that," I stern, sitting up and folding my arms, "Besides.. I'm not even that rich! Just because I love fashion, doesn't make me that way."

  "Okay, I don't know what the hell is your problem! But come back to me when you learn not to be so selfish. I'm done listening to you bitch about the dumbest shit," he stands up and glares, "I'm going to the club tonight."

  "No, I'm sorry Justin," I try to strut after him as he storms away, "Please don't meet other girls, I love you!"

  He stops in his tracks, causing me to run into him, "I love you too.. but you need a reality check Cova. You really do! At least you have a place to live, nice clothes, and everything else of the sort. Did you know that I don't even have a dorm? My buddy Jake has been letting me stay with him for free. All I have is three shirts, two pairs of jeans, one pair of shoes, and a sleeping bag."

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