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We scampered around my front yard, as I gave him a confused expression. What was his deal? Why did he have to come to my house this early in the morning? Yet at all, "Would you mind explaining to me what all of this is about?"

He titters, "Well, I just came to see how you where doing? Weren't we going to hangout today?"

"First off, I never said we should hang out! Secondly, I don't even like you!" I let out an irritating groan, "Now if you don't mind, could you come back later?"

As I try to walk away the dimpled boy grabs my hand, "I don't think so.. we are going to this hidden park I discovered a while ago."

"I guarantee you weren't the first one to discover it," I have to point out the obvious, "Let me guess. The old Masterson Park?"

"Uh.." he scratches the back of his head, "I actually just call it the hidden park. Please come with me?"

I procrastinate, deciding whether or not to follow through, "Alright, but no funny business."

He cheers like a little child and begins his journey down the long, weathered road. It was raining, which made me upset. But if anything, my life was the rain.

We reach the Masterson Park, a park just outside of town. It was surrounded by tall dark green trees, and the smell of pine.

Some slides where broken down, so I guess you could say it was abandoned. Clearly people have died there.

"Is this the Park you where talking about?" he yawns, spinning in circles like a dumbbell.

"Yep.. the hidden Park."

"Exactly," I could tell by his motions that we was expecting us to do something. The way he'd grind his teeth and try to balance on the balancing bar. "So, let's swing together."

"Swing together?" I raise my eyebrow, "I'm not sitting on your lap if that's what you think."

"That's not what I thought, let's just talk," he forces a smile and lies down on a spinning stage, "Tell me more about you Cova."

"Why am I here with you Justin Foley?" I sit next to him and watch as he plays with his fingers.

"Because you are a good friend," he grins, and I felt my heart tingle in ways I never thought where possible.

"If I'm going to hangout with you, I need to make sure I can trust you," I hum, "Understood?"

"You can trust me. I'm not what people think I am. People believe that I'm a rich playboy, who constantly has sex with girls. It's not true," he lets out a deep sigh, "At least that was what people thought of me at my old school."

I look to my left and give him a deep stare, "I don't necessarily believe that of you. People think of me as a snotty rich girl as well."

"You aren't. You are much more than that," he licks the top row of his teeth, "I believe that you will accomplish so much.."

"My dad says the same thing."

"Can I ask you something babe?" he places his hand on my leg, and it caught me by surprise, "What do you think of me?"

"We haven't known each other for too long. But from what I'm hearing.. if it's true, I do think you are an amazing person," I hesitated, making him feel awful about himself, "I like you as a friend."

His Daughter ➢ j.fWhere stories live. Discover now