10- News.

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  I wake up the next morning immediately feeling my head pound. The party last night was hectic, and I had the worst hangover anyone could ask for. "Jake," I look across the room and see Jake making breakfast, "What the hell happened last night?"

  He sighs, "Uh, where do I start? You danced on tables. Tried to rape your ex Cova. You started a fight with Richie and Corey saying she'd always be yours.. everyone knows you as a jackass."

  "Oh god," I pound my head against the pillow, "I haven't talked to her for months. Why do I choose to speak my mind when I'm drunk?"

  "Justin.. you're such a dumbass," he tells the truth. And honestly, when I didn't tell Cova about cheating on her the first time, he avoided me for two weeks. I never blamed him.

  The first thing I do is surf through my Instagram, seeing pictures my friends posted of me dancing on tables and eventually stripping. Who even was I? Justin Foley.. obviously.

  "School starts in a half hour, get ready," he yawns, and places a plate of food on the coffee table next to me, "Unless you want to skip.. your choice."

  "No, I'll go."

  I was surprisingly ready by 11:30, as I walked to school. I needed to apologize to Cova, even though she hated my guts. So I decide to sit next to her in our first class.. drama.

  "Cova, I need to talk to you," I make her jump as I sit next to her.

  "Don't you dare come near me, I hate you even more," she shoves her finger in my face, and I groan.

  "I'm so sorry."

  "Don't talk to me," without hesitating she grabs her bag, and walks to sit in the furthest seat away from me. But that doesn't stop me, I do the same. "Who the fuck are you?"

  "Listen, I'm seriously sorry. I was drunk," I explain.

  "No dip, you idiot."

  "Still, I'm sorry."

  "Don't bother, I'm trying to do my work for this class, so stay silent," she demands, and I grind my teeth.

  "Alright, I'll just be out of your way and go sit next to my beautiful girlfriend," I try to make her jealous, but my comment doesn't phase her.

  "Oh, your girlfriend who looks identical to me? Aren't you brilliant," she smirks sarcastically, "Go on. I'd be pleased to see you away from me. Oh... did you tell her that you cheated on me? It's hard to miss."

  "Why are you such a bitch?" I raise my voice, which causes everyone in the class to look at me.

  "Why are you such a dickhead?"

  I grab my bag and storm down the aisle towards Jada, who was rolling her eyes at me. "Hey, why are you mad at me now?" I whisper, "Seriously."

  "Do you still love her Justin?" she looks me dead in the eye, "Tell me."

  "No, no I don't. I was just apologizing for last night because I wasn't myself," I exclaim, "Come on, you know that I love you. You can trust me."

  "Okay," and then she kisses me, believing every word that I said.


Later that day I was casually walking around town, getting my new haircut. And to my surprise I bumped into Starli, Cova's bitch-ass cousin. "Justin, what a surprise to see you here," she grins, "What are you doing?"

"Oh, I just got a haircut, what about you?" I sigh.

"I'm actually heading off to college here in a couple weeks.. saying goodbye to the dumbass high school life," she rolls her eyes, "People are such assholes."

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