09- Truth.

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  Another god damn 'family fun time' as my dad liked to call it. Only Justin couldn't come with me, we all had a gathering at my uncle Dylan's house just for one night. It was a deceiving family sleepover, which never ends well because we couldn't play spin the bottle. A game that must happen at sleepovers to make things fun and heated; I was stuck sleeping with the devil herself, Starli.

  She wore less clothing than I remembered. That's because her mom had to go out of town for work, and couldn't be here. But just when I thought we couldn't invite anyone other than our family, she invites some girl named Navi, and Dalia. God dammit.

  "I suggest we all chill out up here the rest of the night," Starli sighs and climbs up into the attic she had in her room. Yes, she had wooden stairs in her room that basically led up to another perfectly designed room. Dylan spoiled the bitch.

  I felt like a fourteen year old again, wearing my pink pajamas and talking about our crushes. Only we hadn't really talked about anything yet. "This is getting weird.. I'm literally 18, almost 19."

  "Oh my god, you are so grown up now aren't you?" she says sarcastically, "Well guess what honey girl? I'm about the same age. And we are forced to be together, so get over yourself."

  I felt even more pathetic than I did before, and Navi just kept giving me a weird look. "So.. how are you guys?" I try to bring up a conversation since my phone was dead, "I mean I'm great, just living li—"

  "Is it obvious that none of us want to talk to you. If you are going to talk, talk about your hot ass boyfriend. I would suck his dick for free," she licks her lips, and I immediately wanted to sock her in the face.

  "Please stop! What have I ever done to you? And thank you, Justin is pretty hot," I watch Navi's eyes widen as I say Justin, and that got me wondering.

"Wait a minute.. Justin Foley?" she carefully creeks.


"Fuck," she cringed, "I'm not supposed to tell you this, but we've fucked. Multiple times in one night."

"What the hell?" Starli laughs, and I was just in complete shock, feeling my heart sink into my stomach, "Is it true."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have got him all high on drugs, and drunk," I start to feel paralyzed, becoming a red balloon. "Hello? Are you okay? It was a few weeks ago after going to a party."

"Aren't you sixteen? He's almost twenty," Starli chimes, yet none of them gave a shit about how I was feeling.

I didn't respond. I stood up, gave the bitch a mean glare, and walked right out of the building. "Cov, where you going?" my dad wonders after me.

"He cheated on me Dad," I break into tears, "The bastard.. cheated on me with a 16 year old girl."

"I will shoot his ass!"

But there was no time for me to respond. I raced across town wearing my pink footy pajamas, already in tears. Even if it wasn't true, I couldn't handle the horror.

  I went to his friend Jake's house, and he was inside playing video games and playfully laughing his ass off. "Who the fuck do you think you are?" I scream, and he jolts backwards.

  "Whoa, what's the matter ba—" I smack him across the face, "Shit, what did I do?"

  "You tell me," I look to his friend Jake who was forcing a smile, "Did you know about this Jake? Did you know that this jackass cheated on me with a sixteen year old?"

  I finally brought my attention back to Justin, who's eyes widened, he was speechless, "You don't even have anything to say? So it's true then..."

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