05- Dylan's Kid.

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  We reach my Uncle Dylan's house, and I was amazed by how well designed it was. According to my dad, he always had the big money in the family. He's an idiot, so it doesn't make much sense. But he somehow manages to keep himself in tact.. money wise.

  "Shit, your family really is rich," Justin mumbles, becoming in aw. "I can barely control myself being around your home."

  I roll my eyes and proceed to walk into the house that smelt of cinnamon. "So.. how drunk are you Dylan?"

  "I've been cutting down, so I have no clue what you're talking about," he collapses onto the couch and turns on the TV, "So, how's your dad?"

  "Uh, he's good. He's gone on a business trip though," I assert.

  "That's what you think it is? No.. he went to hook up with a girl," I felt my heart shatter hearing this, "He's been so lonely without your mom.. so don't get mad at him."

  I could never imagine him being with anyone else, just him and her. "Who is this girl?" I double took.

  "Good question. Who knows?"

   I take a deep breath in and let myself fall towards Justin, he catches me, "What's wrong?"

"He can't fucking date anyone else," I utter, barely allowing him to hear my foul words. But somehow his hearing quickens.

"Don't you want him to be happy? He probably doesn't want us to be together, but all you want is happiness," he says honestly, "Put yourself in his shoes."

I groan, "You're supposed to agree with everything I say."

"Unless it's wrong," he corrects.

We where at my Uncles house for basically no reason. Tessie went into her room and took a nap, Dylan just watched TV and ended up passing out.

"Well, how are we going to get back to school now?" Justin eagerly rocks back and forth, "I may look like an idiot, but I actually care."

"Good question.. we might have to walk."

"It's Chicago, we don't walk," he walks into their kitchen and opens the fridge, "Might as well make ourselves fill at home."

"I'll call Bethany.. I think that's her name. I know for a fact she has a car," I pull out my phone and call the girl I barely knew, "Hey Bethany, it's Cova Sprou—"

"God, one second.." she sounds frustrated, "Kristy! If you don't shut the hell up I'll make you shove that hairspray bottle up your vagina."

I slowly parted my lips, "Sorry, what do you need?"

  "A ride. My uncle came to pick Justin and I up an hour ago, and he's passed out. Could you maybe pick us up?" I grind on my teeth, hoping she'd agree.

  It takes her a minute as she makes a detailed humming sound, "Sure. Where is this house?"

  "Woodly drive? I think so."

  "I live in that neighborhood. Isn't it nice? I'll be right over," she hangs up the phone and I sigh in relief.

  "Thank god.."

  Justin had a piece of pie on a plate, along with a jug of orange juice. I gave him a venomous stare, "What? I was hungry."

  "You're such an idiot," I leave him to eat, and adventure down some hallway. I became happy, seeing a picture of Dylan's old girlfriend. She has been dead for quite sometime, but I still remember her.

  It had the words, Evinor Dunn engraved into the bottom of the frame. "Oh Aunt Evie, why can't you be here?" I whisper to myself.

  "Bab—" I jolt backwards once noticing Justin hanging over my shoulder, "Jee, just curios. Who is she?"

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