07- Oh Navi.

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I reach the dorms, and give the lengthy guy a sincere thank you. I was shaking with anticipation, hoping I didn't run into Cova Sprouse. So I walked back to my friends dorm and locked myself in one of the rooms. "Justin, what's the matter?"

"I fucked up," was the only thing I could come to say. Jake, he was a very caring friend. All my old friends didn't give an actual shit about how I felt.

He unlocks the bedroom door and walks in, "What did you do this time? God, you smell like drugs."

"I met this girl at the bar, she made me believe she was older than she was. She got me all high, and drunk. Made me fuck her, then I found out she was 16," I explain, "The problem is I have a girlfriend."

"Oh yeah, Cova Dillon, right?" he yawns.

"Dillon? No, Sprouse."

"Her mom was Nova Dillon. Believe it or not, I've read those books. You are a lucky fella, don't know why you'd ever cheat on her," he gives me a look of disappointment, making me feel even shittier.

"We've never had sex.. she wants to wait," I gawk.

"So what? She's beautiful, and loves you."

It made me want to read the books. The books everyone has seemingly read. "I don't know what I'm doing with my life Jake. I could possibly lose a girl I have actual feelings for."

"Just be with her. Be honest.." he nods his head, "She'll be less mad if you lie to her."

  "No.. I can't lose her Jake. This isn't just lust. I really love her," I was to the point of crying, yet the only time I ever cried was because of my shitty mom and step dad.

  "It's up to you. But I guarantee you'll regret not speaking to her about the incident," he let out a deep sigh before exiting the room. I hated myself for this, and everything else I did.

  Which made me question why she stuck around with me for as long as she has.

Please call me.

I dial her number and slowly pull the phone close to my ear. "Justin! Thank god you answered your phone!" she basically screams, "Please come over!"

  "I'll be over in a few," I mutter, then hang up the phone. I felt a single tear stream down my cheek as I stared blankly at the wall in front of me, "This is it."


I slowly knock onto her dorm door, trying to pull myself together and not seem so out of it. She answers in seconds, jumping onto me, "I'm so sorry for yesterday. I'm not trying to sound like a rich bitch, or whatever you call it.. I just love you so much."

  I look down at her hands, holding them both in front of me, "I'm sorry, I got really drunk last night."

  She runs her fingers down my cheek, "Don't drink anymore, it exhausts you."

  I don't respond, I walk past her into her apartment and lie down on the couch. "I'm really tired," I sigh, "Do you want to come cuddle with me?"

  "Wait. First, did you cheat on me?" Fuck, I knew she'd ask.

  But being the asshole that I am, could only say something positive, "I'd never."

  She finally cuddles with me, "Good. I have no clue why I trust you, but I just do."

  I felt my heart sink to the bottom of my stomach hearing her say this. She trusted me, yet I was betraying her behind her back. What an amazing boyfriend I am.. making more and more mistakes.

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