04- College.

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Three weeks later. I was off for college, knowing I was waisting my time in this little old town. Chicago Illinois was an entirely different story. Bigger buildings, more people. Exactly what you'd expect with a big city.

I was nice enough to let my dad drive to the dreadful city. But, he was more excited then I ever would be. As for my friends, they where very sad that I was leaving. So they said.

We arrive on campus around 5:00, my dad obviously getting all the attention. I was frankly sad, having to leave my job behind in which I made many friends. If I can even call them that..

"Okay sweetie, this is your dorm. Of course you get to stay in the most expensive dorms," he speaks, "And you don't need a roommate. Because I'll pay for it all."

I sigh, "Thank you so much dad.."

It made me depressed watching him strut away, people taking pictures of him as he went towards the car. This was my new life. Even lonelier than before.

If only my mom was here to share everything with me.. but she can't.

My dorm was very large, full of empty space. But it had a great view of Chicago. It sort of reminded me of an old studio.

To the right was a deep hallway. There was a bathroom, bedroom, and closet. On the other side of the house was my kitchen, leading into the dining room. I was surprised by how large it was.

We had hauled all of my belongings here, and I'd spend the rest of the day situating everything.


The next day I started school. I once again felt like the lonely new girl, scampering throughout the school with my head always facing the floor.

My first class was drama. I've always considered myself a talented person. Good at singing and acting, but once I saw how talented these other people where. I felt self-conscious.

"We are going to do a little exercise," the teacher explains, "You introduce yourself, and sing lyrics from that you enjoy."

Everyone claps, and I just look like an idiot with my eyes wondering. "Brendon, you start."

A guy with an Afro takes a deep breath in, "My name is Brendon Sullivan. All the single ladies, all the single ladies."

"Very nice Brendon," she laughs, and I became extremely anxious. "Next is, you.. you young lady. And from there we will go down rows."


"Yes you."

I gulp, "I-I'm Cova Sprouse," I was caught off guard by what looked like.. oh fuck, Justin Foley! No! "A-All I want is nothing more.. than to hear you knocking at my door."

"Great job dear," and then he sits next to me, making my whole world slowly drown.

"I'm surprised you actually came," he hikes his knee up onto his leg, "You haven't been speaking to me, I think you should."

"Not until you get clean, I told you," I whisper, not making eye contact with him.

"What if I am clean? Can't we... talk?" I finally look to my left, and was surprised to see that he actually looked decent, and smelled good.

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