14- Wedding.

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   "Ready to go see your mommy Cru?" I asked the young child, putting my huge flannel on since the summer weather wasn't very warm. I hadn't bathed in 4 days, and I literally looked like a wreck. Especially with all of the cigarettes I had been smoking. "Okay pumpkin, just next door."

  I opened the front door, "You must be Cova Sprouse, I'm Cru's grandmother," a lady caught me by surprise, a ditzy smile attached to her face.

  I awkwardly shook her hand, "Uh, what a surprise. Is Cru going to see his mother today?"

  "Yes. But my job is to take him to see her."

I blinked a few times, "Thanks but I think I could manage."

"Look at you darling," she ripped Cru from my arms, "You're as bad as his sister, you need to shower and quit smoking. Let me take him."

"How do I know you're even his grandma?" I tried to take him back, but she wasn't allowing it.

"Do you want my ID?" she placed the kid on the floor, before pulling out her wallet, "You can believe me."

"Okay?" I took a deep breath, "You're right. Maybe I should take a shower."

  "You go do that sweetie," and she closed the door in my face.

  Showering wouldn't hurt anyone, would it? I trembled into the bathroom, blasting my playlist and turning on the water. I had the house to myself, which used to be my favorite thing when I was a teenager.

  "Carry on!" I sang, "Carry on, Carry on."

  I casually took my clothes off, before stepping inside of the hot shower. Let's just say I was glad no one was home to listen to my obnoxious singing.


  "AHH!" I pushed the intruder who opened the shower curtain forward, pulling it out of the hinges, "Who the fuck are you?"

I was petrified, standing with my body parts covered, "It's Justin, God, that fucking hurt."

"Did you sneak through the bathroom window?" I shouted.

"Yeah, I heard loud singing and music."

I grabbed a towel to cover myself, giving him the meanest glare I possibly could, "Go fuck yourself. You have no right to sneak up on me like that."

"Carry on with your shower, don't mind me," he got off of the floor and rubbed his busted forehead.

"There is no shower curtain, the metal part is broken. I can't fucking shower. You're lucky I already washed my hair," I pushed him one last time before exiting the room.

"I just needed to talk to you."

"I told you the other day to stop talking me. Get the memo already asshole," he followed me into my bedroom, but I shoved the door into his face.

"Come on Cova," I could hear him lean against the door, "Don't you get it? I wouldn't be trying this hard if it didn't mean something."

I didn't respond, I put on a huge blue T-Shirt and collapsed onto the bed, "Cov?" I listened closely, "I'm in love with you."

His Daughter ➢ j.fWhere stories live. Discover now