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It's crazy how quickly someone can change your life. Only to have them departed from your very hands the next day. When I first saw Justin Foley.... I sure as hell never knew we'd come this far. I mean, he threw up all over me. And wouldn't stop showing up at my work. But as time grew, I came to know him as a person. A person who cheats, but who is also a loving human. He was the person who I fell in love with. We separated, and I refused to get back together with him because of my morals. But of course as I forgive his ass, he left me.

And just like my mother once had to deal with. I was left in the dust. Thinking of him every moment of each day. My heart feeling shattered as I replayed the moment he walked out of that door in my head. I guess this was life. A constant battle. Which, I should've already figured out.

"Cova," some lady approached me at the supermarket. I had Cru with me in the shopping cart, "I didn't know how to get ahold you. I'm Cru's aunt, and from now on will be his guardian until his parents are healthy."

I rose my eyebrow, "What? How come I wasn't notified?"

She pulled out a paper from her purse, "Feel free to read through. I feel as though I'm the best option for the child. He needs to be with his family."

This, made me feel even worse. I was already dealing with the betrayal of Justin. Which was about 2 months ago, and now this little boy was leaving. "God."

"I'm sorry sweet heart," she patted my back. Probably disgusted by my pale face, and purple eyes, "Again, not trying to burst your bubble. He just needs to come with me."

  "Wait. All his stuff are at my house," I pouted, "How am I sure this paperwork isn't fake?"

  "My lawyer has signed. I have signed. Read through, this isn't a joke," she pierced her lips together, trying to seem all preppy and perfect, "I'll meet you at your house."

  "Wait," I spoke just as she was about to walk away, "How did you know I was here?"

  "Your dad," she put her hand on her hip, and flipped her hair out of her face. Looking no older than I was, "See ya."

  And as before, my life still sucked. I drove home in tears. While Cru kept giving me a strange looks. Which made me even more of a wreck. God, I might as well die right now.

  "What's the matter?" Cru asked as I gathered his belongings, and shoved them into a little blue bag.

  I slowly looked up at him, dying inside, "You are going to live with your aunty."

"But I want to live with you Cova," his voice was still so small and pure. Which only added to the sympathy I felt for the boy, "I'm not goin'"

"I'm sorry," my voice cracked, "If..... I could do anything about it, I would."

He gave me a big hug, "I will always call you. And come over for play dates."

I shut my eyes tightly, "You know. You're right. I have to go back to school anyways."

  "School?" he repeated.

  "Yep. And when you turn four this next year, you're going to go to school," I wrapped a little hat around his head, pleased by how brilliant he had became. He was intelligent, and knew a lot for a 2 year old. I sure as hell was going to miss my cuddle buddy.

  I could hear the sound of the door bell ringing throughout the home, and my heart sunk into the pit of my stomach. "There's your aunty," I groaned, holding his bag with my left hand, and carrying him with my right arm.

  I strolled past my dad's room. Gazing at his defined silhouette, as the sun barely crept into the room. His legs were propped up on the coffee table. And all I could smell was smoke, and the strong scent of alcohol. He was hopeless.

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