17- Shocking Truth.

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A/N: hey, sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been busy with other books— since I think it's fun to have so many 🙃— and haven't been able to update. So I'm sorry. Anyways, I'm changing the format up a bit. And usually, I put two spaces before I start each part. But now I'm not doing that, and am too lazy to change up each other chapter. So don't be alarmed. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

Cova Sprouse

It was another day, as I tumbled out of bed. Actually hitting my head against the wooden floors, but just laying there groaning was the only solution. I was freezing cold, wearing a yellow night gown, with gray fuzzy socks. And I still had Aiden Debree, hogging most of my bed.

Things where different now, after my little spill about Justin Foley. He was trying to clean up his act, by acting a lot more anxious and sensitive towards me. That, I didn't necessarily enjoy. It meant he could lie to me. Lying, is never good.

I walked around my dorm for a while longer, staring off into space, and drinking some coffee with vanilla creamer. I wondered how my dad was doing by himself, and if he was still writing those amazing books. I also remembered Jenna. Her and I, we where still fighting.

Fighting a fight, I didn't want to fight.

She was turning all of her bitchy collage friends against me. But I had my morals, and I knew what kind of person I was. So I didn't need them. screwing up my life in such way.

"I'm going to class Aiden," I walked back into the bedroom, standing next to the bed and looking down at the cute boy, "I'm going to be late. So if you're coming, get your ass up." I started rummaging through the closet, finding an outfit to wear. I couldn't skip class today. I needed to stay focused.

I wore my cute, ripped up black jeans, with fish nets underneath them. Along with a casual Michael Jackson T-Shirt.  I hurried to change, before pulling my hair into a messy side braid; makeup, I didn't need makeup.

Aiden was still drooling on the white pillow, looking like a chimpanzee. So I tapped him once more. "Bitch! Wake the fuck up." And he finally budged, moving his ankle and opening up one eye.

"I'm not going to class, you go on ahead," He murmured. And I gave him an imperious stare, "What? I really don't want to go."

I grabbed my little bag, before rushing out of the bedroom. Ignoring him and his anxious, weird self.

Walking to class, I felt like someone was watching me. I just kept getting that same eerie feeling of someone trying to send a message. I treaded into the classroom, making to sure I sat as far away from the professor as possible so I could doze off.

But oddly, I saw Jenna and Isaiah sitting in the middle row. Giving me intense stares. They weren't even in this class, what the fuck? I never knew they'd consider taking physiology. But what did I ever do to Isiah to make him give me such a look?

"Hey Isaiah, hey Jenna," I gave them a small wave, not sure if it was the right thing to do.

"What, you're gonna go after my boyfriend now? Damn Cova, you're such a slut," she purposely rose her voice, so everyone in the class could look at me. And there she goes again, being that 14 year old bitch.

"Not again Jenna, can you get over this? I did nothing wrong! Yes, I'm with Aiden. I'm just trying to get my mind off of Justin. But you don't have to act like a bitchy high school girl," I vented, "And you aren't even in this class!"

She stood up, unable to gather words, "Well maybe it bothers me, because I'm in love with him."

The room became even more silent than before, as everyone's eyes where glued to Jenna. Even a few gasps where heard. "You're in Love with Aiden, Jenna?........" Isaiah mumbled, his heart breaking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2018 ⏰

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