08- Reunion.

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"Do you even realize how amazing you are to me?"•£•_________

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"Do you even realize
how amazing you are to me?"

  It was very late, and Justin and I finally decided to go back into the camper and try to sleep. He looked very adorable this very night, even if we hadn't had a chance to shower. He wasn't wearing a shirt, just blue jean shorts.

  And I felt as though he was planning something. "Why are you lighting candles?" I ask, hoping he wouldn't start a fire. He just gave me a grin and reached for my hand afterwards.

  "Come to the bed with me," he chimes.

  "Wait, I don't know if I'm ready for this Justin," I mutter, "Besides, I don't even think I shaved."

  "Hey," he places both hands on my cheeks, "I don't judge you, and you know that. I love you for who you are, and no part of you could ever be ugly."

  "I didn't say any part of me was ugly.. I'm just hairy. Could you excuse me for a moment," I awkwardly slip away from him and towards the bathroom.

  "Why are you so afraid? Nothing can stop me from loving you Cova."

  I stood in the bathroom door frame and let out a sigh, "I know.. I just need to freshen up."

  I lock the bathroom door and let out a sonorous sigh. Why was I agreeing to basically have sex with Justin Foley? Of course it's something I've always dreamed about doing, but I just didn't feel ready..

  I open one of the zip lock bags I had on the bathroom counter, and took out my razor. I then let my floral shorts fall to the floor, as I began to shave.

  About ten minutes later I come out of the bathroom wearing the only fancy bra, and underwear I had. I felt insecure of my body, even though it was clearly amazing..

  The room was dark and Justin sat on the bed in anticipation, candles surrounding him. I never noticed how precious and gorgeous he was until this very moment. And I also never gave him enough respect for being himself.

  "You look.." his jaw drops, "You are truly beautiful Cova Sprouse."

  I shyly walk towards him with a smile, "And you are just as amazing Justin Foley."

  I crawl onto the bed and lie in his arms for a brief moment. Until he sits up takes his clothes completely off. I reacted with wide eyes. Justin Foley.. damn, he was hot in every area. I wanted him more than anything.

  He hands me a condom out of a little box, "Do the honors?"

  I proudly take it out of his hands and slide the rubber condom onto his length. I was becoming wetter the more I'd look at him. It didn't help the fact that I was also touching... you know what.

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