11- Arlington Hills.

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The sun finally set, as the vibrant day came to an end. Only it wasn't very vibrant at all. It was a miserable wreck as summer break approached. I planned on going back to Arlington Hills for the summer of course, and my dad was pleased to have a new girlfriend. But me? Not so much.

I was slowly plopping things into my travel suit case that was almost as big as I was, my boyfriend Corey was hovering over my shoulder examining each item. "Do you think he won't mind if I tagged along?" he questions.

"I'm an adult, it shouldn't matter."

  "Okay good, I just don't want you to be bored," he was very awkward sometimes, and I didn't necessarily believe he was my type. Yet I still loved his ass.

  Just a couple of hours later, we leave the annoying city of Chicago. And head to another little city in Chicago. Of course, it was Arlington Hills. "So this is where you grew up?" he raises his eyebrow, "Very small."

  I look to my left at the high school, which always reminded me of my mom and dad. "It's not that small."

  He stays silent as we soon pull into the driveway, "Here we are. Home sweet home."

  As he gets out of the car his eyes widen as he views the large house, "You never told me you where rich!"

  "My family is rich, not me," I groan as I haul my suitcase through the front doors. I wasn't surprised to see my dad standing in the doorway with his hands around his new blonde girlfriend. It broke my heart. "Oh, hi dad.." I mumble awkwardly.

"Hey darling, this must be the lucky guy. What's your name?" he shakes his hand politely.


He smiled widely, "Nice to meet you Corey. Hope you two are well."

I don't respond, I frustratingly drag my bag up the stairs and into my bedroom. As always, why couldn't my mother be here with me? Guiding me through life as a mother would do. I guess that's the joy of having cancer. It kills you.

"Why are you pissed off?" Corey barges through the door and sees me lying on the bed, "You haven't seen your dad in a while, or met his girlfriend. I know you miss your mom love, but you can't be a hermit."

"This whole damn house reminds me of her. And, his girlfriend looks fake as fuck," I whine, "Please stay in here with me."

"I don't think so, you are coming downstairs with me," he lifts me up, "Cova Marie, c'mon."

I laugh as he runs down the stairs with me in his arms, everything I've always wanted. But the downside was he made me sit in the living room with my dads girlfriend. As her fake eyelashes batted constantly.

"So sweetie, you are the great Cova Sprouse," her voice sounds very high and squeaky, "It's nice to finally meet you."

"Nice to meet you too.." I force a smile, "Hey, in going to make some coffee real fast. I hope you don't mind." Anything to break the tension..

I scamper into the kitchen, finally happy to be by myself. I grab a little Starbucks cup I had collected from working at the amazing store, and pour some coffee into it.

"Cova Marie," someone mumbles my name, and I quickly look up. How in the hell?

It was Justin Foley. Shirtless inside of a broken down room. He seemed confused as he stared at me. "What the fuck?" I start walking backwards, "Please tell me you didn't break into the damn house. Dad!"

"Hey no, shh. Your dad hired me to build this extra room. I needed a summer job," and it just so happens to be at my house, where he could grow closer to me. "I'm sorry. For now on, I won't talk to you."

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