1. Prologue

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Hey! I'm glad you're interested in reading this book. I only have a few things to say first. Don't worry, I'll make it quick.

First things first:

This story takes place in a country called Silverthorne. A lot of my new stories do. Its capital is Nonan and the country is half old school and half modernized.

Anyways, it is a fictional place, but the people are real. And yes, there are rules and all that. It's just that I'm not the best at geography so I made up my own cities lol. This story takes place in Tenakis, one of the more famous and industrialized cities of Silverthorne.


This book has mature scenes in the sense of graphic language and in one chapter rape is the topic of conversation. (Not the action)

And lastly:

Just like mentioned in my other story, I'm part of the wattpad ad programme. Which means that you can support me by watching a 30 second long ad in between selected chapters.

I hope you enjoy this completed story and leave me a few comments and votes.

Xoxo, Devilsmom.


Ester Celeste has gotten this far, she couldn't turn back now. Well, she could physically but she shouldn't. She's promised herself a break from her comfort zone and how better to do that than to finally make use of that dance lessons coupon she got from her friend on christmas almost seven months ago.

It was time to push herself, she knew it. It's been almost two years since she started working and nothing exciting happened ever since then. She enjoyed treating herself almost every single day after work, allowing her body to relax, her mind to turn off and her money to be short at the end of every month.

She had to change something, even if that meant going out more and allowing her roommate Olivia to drag her to the club this weekend. Ester hated the club, she hated going out and miss a day of netflix and chill on her own, alone in her rather small room.

But tonight was different, she thought as she glanced up to see the moon watching over her. It was late and it would've probably been a better idea to check out the place by day, when there were people on the streets that could help her find it. But once again she's chosen the easy and rather inconsiderate way of handling things. She once again suffered from the consequences of that.

Class already started ten minutes ago, according to the receptionist Gina, who Ester called beforehand. At least she's done one thing right today, she thought.

"Ugh!" She stopped walking and hissed at herself. It felt like she was walking in rounds because she could've sworn she passed that pink house two times already. Maybe it wasn't meant to be.

The cold wind and wet streets should've been a sign to tell her to stay at home and maybe try it the next day. But no, she thought as she started rubbing her forearms through her thick sweater. She felt the water from the paddle she accidentally stepped in earlier, wetten her socks. Maybe wearing tennis shoes in the rain wasn't the smartest idea. But they were just so comfy.

"Tomorrow it is." She murmured and turned to cross the road. She looked left and right, before crossing the street. Paddles were all over the pavement and she jumped over the biggest one that was at the edge of the road, before safely making it to the other side and giggling at her childish behaviour.

Ester shook her head and then looked at her watch to see if the bus would come anytime soon or if she'd be better off walking the few kilometres home.

But she didn't even get the chance to decide as she suddenly felt herself drenched in cold water. Ester jumped and gasped at the same time, accidentally inhaling water and starting to choke and cough after.

She wiped her eyes within two seconds and was able to see the car driving away. She narrowed her eyes at the black vehicle and forced her brain to memorize the numbers and letters on the license plate.

They deserve whatever bad is coming their way, she thought bitterly.


A/N: Hello fellow readers! As you may have noticed, this chapter is rather short. But fear not! All the others will have a respectable length, lol.

By the way, the girl in the picture is supposed to be Ester.



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