|Chapter 10| Oh.|

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By the time I had arrived at the Cactus Cafe it was exactly six. I quickly made sure my makeup was ok in the mirror.

I got out with my purse and walked into the restaurant, I didn't see dan anywhere so I went at sat down at the bar.

I ordered a drink and waited, ten minutes had passed and I didn't see him anywhere. I had finished my drink so I decided to order another one.

Another ten minutes passed, once again I had finished my drink and Dan was still nowhere in sight. Maybe he's stuck in traffic. I thought to myself.

This time I ordered something stronger. I sat waiting for another ten minutes. It had been half an hour since he was supposed to have arrived.

I realized I had been stood up, I'm such an idiot. How did I not see this coming.

"Hey, give me the strongest shit you got. I'm having a bad night." I told the bartender as I downed the drink I had already had.

The bartender gave me a blue fizzing drink, smoke was coming off the top of it. I took a small sip to taste it.

It had a strong bitter alcoholic taste to it, I shrugged and downed that too.  After five minutes I was clearly drunk. I started thinking about how I was stood up again.

Being the drunk overemotional person I was right now, I started to cry. I felt the mascara run down my cheeks.

I thought about earlier with mark, how we should have just kissed. How his deep voice echoed in the room every time he talked. His deep brown eyes looking into mine.

I realized the mistake I made, immediately regretting every decision tonight. I just wanted to go home, see mark.

I stumbled drunkly out to my car. I fumbled for my keys and got in. I was about to start the car when I realized I was extremely drunk.

I fumbled to grab my phone, I found marks number and called it. I was still crying for some odd reason.

"Hello?" His low voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Mark...?" I asked voice weary from crying. I just couldn't stop.

"Cassie? Are you ok?" He asked me, I laughed.
"Can you come pick me up..?" I sobbed into the phone.

"Yeah, yeah. Of course where are you?"

"I'm at the cactus Cafe....please just come get me." I continued to sob into the phone.

"Yeah, ok. I'll be right there." Then he hung up.
I got out of the car and sat on the curb waiting for him.

I had stopped my disgusting crying and sat on my phone playing games until he had arrived.

There was a honk from in front of me. Mark rolled down the window,"Cassie? Come on get in." He opened the door from the inside.

I stumbled over and got into the car, he scrunched up his nose in disgust.
"Cassie..? Are you drunk?"

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