|Chapter 2| Hospital...|

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I awoke with my dog barking and jumping on me. I sat up blocking his tail from hitting me in the face.

"Hi, hey, I'm awake jeez. Calm down Ches." He sat down and tilted his head to the side, letting his ear flop over.

"What?" He ran to the door, I guessed he wanted out.

I groaned and got out of bed, throwing on my sweater.

I grabbed his leash and took him outside. The sun was just rising leaving beautiful colours splattered across the shy.

I was broke out of thought when they leash jerked forward followed by violent barking from multiple dogs.

Someone had let their dog out without a leash on and was now attacking my dog.

I pulled back hard on the leash, trying to get Chestnut back to me.

He barely moved backwards. I quickly ran over and tried to pull the dog off.

I saw someone running to us, hopefully the owner. The dogs were still growling and barking.

I had enough when I heard my dog let out a cry of pain.

"Chestnut!" I yelled, I attempted to pull the dog off but only received a hard painful bite on my wrist.

I screamed and fell back, blood was streaming from my arm. There were four holes in my arm.

The owner finally got over to us and got her dog off of mine.

"I'm so sorry. Are you ok? Oh my god...your bleeding!" The women pulled her dog back and held it tightly by her side.

She bent down to check my arm. "Are you from around here?" The women asked.

I shook my head, i saw my dog laying down licking his wounds. I was happy he was ok.

When I looked back down at my hand it was still bleeding badly. The sight of blood was making me dizzy.

"I.. um. I think...we need... hospital..." I mumbled before everything went black


Part two, lol this is trash thanks for reading I guess

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