Going out on dates

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When the sun shone through the window I woke up and Shaun was still sleeping, he was so cute and peaceful while he slept. I was getting up trying not to wake him but of cause he woke up and said “good morning beautiful” I stopped and turned around and on his face was this massive smile, I smiled back we got up got dressed and went to cook some breakfast. Everyone else was still asleep so Shaun asked me “do you wonna hang sometime?” I stopped what I was doing and turned around took a big breath and said “yeah sure, why not” I laughed and he smiled and said “so it’s a date then?” I just nodded because I couldn’t find any words to answer him. When I finished cooking our breakfast I came and sat down and we started to eat, while we were eating Beth and Andy were up and they sat down and said “Good Morning” and had there breakfast and of cause Maddie and Bradie were still asleep. So when we all finished our breakfast Shaun and Andy went to wake the sleepy heads up and Beth and I tagged along, Shaun and Andy opened the door and ran onto the bed trying mostly to not squish Maddie and Andy said “RISE AND SHINE LOVEBIRDS” then Shaun said “TIME TO GET UP” Maddie then moaned “go away and get off me” the rest us started to giggle then Bradie said “GET OUT OF MY FUCKING ROOM” then that did it we all laughed and got out to give them some space. 

It was 7:00pm and we were heading out for dinner for our dates. Maddie wore black long jeans with a white long sleeved shirt and a black leather jacket. Beth wore a top and jeans with a long coat, and I wore a stripped top with a jacket and jeans. We then headed off to sizzlers for dinner because the lights there just makes it romantic. We sat down at our tables and started ordering, Maddie ordered the Cheese burger and chips meal, Bradie had the same thing but with salad and Maddie would take some of Bradie’s salad but he didn’t mind. Beth and Andy ordered the steak meal with no seasoning and Shaun and I had the same, we also had soft drinks.

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