Bradie and Maddie's Baby is Born

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In the middle of the night Maddie got up to go to the bathroom, when she got there we all woke up to a bump on the wall in the bathroom. We all went to see what it was until Maddie screamed "BETH", we all jumped and Beth went to the bathroom door and opened it and saw Maddie on the floor, so Beth quickly got to Maddie and helped her up and yelled "Andy! Get the car started now!", we were all confused until Maddie screamed "FOR FUCK SAKE GET THE FUCKING CAR STARTED SOMEONE! IT'S TIME!" Then Andy got the keys and got the car and we all got into the car and drove to the hospital. When we got there to the hospital the nurses took over and took Maddie in a bed and took her into the emergency room and then on of the nurses stayed and said " Are any of you family?" and then Bradie walked up and said "Yes, I'm her husband" then the nurse nodded and took Bradie to Maddie.

When everything was done Shaun said to the Nurse "When can we see her?" Then the nurse checked her computers and said "Yes she's in room C17". "Thank you" and then Shaun came back and said "We can go and see them now" and then we all went to Maddie's room in C17. When we got to the room C17, we all took a breath and opened the door and we saw Maddie and Bradie with their baby we smiled and Maddie looked up and smiled tiredly at us and Beth said "Boy or girl?" Bradie then said "It's a boy" and Maddie smiled "And.... do you want to know his name?" We all nodded and then Bradie said "His name is...." Maddie then said smiling "BJ just BJ" We all  nawed and awed at the name. "Can I?" Andy started to say and Maddie smiled and handed BJ to Andy "Hello little one it's uncle Andy here" Shaun then came up and said "Hey there BJ welcome to the world. Beth and I sat next to Maddie and we started to talk until it was time for us to go, so Andy put BJ in his little bed and said "Bye you two sweet dreams" Maddie and Bradie started to laugh quietly so that they didnt wake little BJ.

Then Maddie said "Goodnight"  and went to sleep with Bradie sitting in the hospital chair next to Maddie's hospital bed. When the day came that Maddie and BJ could go home, so Bradie got everything ready and then nurse said "If anything goes wrong call us and we will help" Maddie and Bradie smiled and both said "Thank you and we will".

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