Maddie's B-day

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Everyone except Maddie got up early and got everything ready to surprise Maddie for her birthday. When everything was ready they all hid and stayed quiet. Maddie then woke up with the sun shining through and couldn’t see Bradie anywhere so she got up and got dressed and went down stairs. She called out but no one answered. Shaun counted on his fingers and motioned us to get ready when all the lights turned on “SURPISE” everyone yelled and Maddie jumped and said “Oh you guys startled me and is this all for me?” Everyone nodded and Maddie said, “Oh thank you all I know is that it’s going to be the best birthday ever!” and walked over to Bradie ad he gave her a big teddy dear birthday hug. Bradie said “Happy Birthday baby.” Maddie giggled and smiled and everyone said happy birthday to Maddie. Kell said, “Maddie do you want to open your presents?” Maddie turned around and saw presents on the table with a chocolate cake in the middle.

When Maddie was finished with her presents she realised that Bradie didn’t get her one so she looked at him and he gave her a smile and came over and whispered, “My present is a surprise for you tonight.” She smiled and he smiled and gave her  a birthday kiss. Maddie was 19 now and she could do whatever she wanted. I’m 18 and Beth is 17, we are best friends now, tomorrow and forever, we said together. Maddie then went and put one of the Short Stack song on, ”We dance to a different disco, honey!” and turned the volume up. Bradie then went up and hugged Maddie from behind and they laughed and started dancing with smiles on their faces.

Then Shaun and I along with Beth and Andy jumped up and started dancing with Bradie and Maddie. Then Shaun started telling jokes and we all laughed. Next we had the chocolate cake and Maddie had already finished hers once she got it we all can tell that Maddie likes chocolate cake. The we played games and they were really funny and fun. Night fell and Bradie took Maddie’s hand and lead her into the kitchen to help her clean up. Maddie smiled and started doing the dishes while Bradie was putting everything away. I went and took the garbage out and then all of a sudden I saw a back car just waiting outside of Shaun, Bradie and Andy’s house, I just ignored it and put the garbage in the trash can.

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