Showing the Places Maddie has been.

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The sun shone brightly throughout the house, and as usual Shaun and I were the first ones up and starting cooking breakfast. Then Andy and Beth were the second ones up and they got their breakfast and sat down and started to eat. Maddie woke up and saw Bradie she wanted to jump but then she want to stay in Bradie’s arms and not to scare him, then Bradie woke up and said “Good morning, lord how did you sleep?” Maddie was shocked for a little while but then she quickly smiled and said “Yeah, I slept alright.”

When Bradie and Maddie were eating breakfast, Shaun came in and said “So Maddie” Maddie looked up and saw Shaun “Yes?” she said. “Do you want to go out today, everyone agrees that it’s a good idea, we can show you your favourite places.” With that Maddie looked at Shaun then at Bradie and then she said “Okay, sure.” With a smile when she smiled the room lit up and everyone smiled back, Bradie had one arm around Maddie with a smile on his face. When Maddie finished her breakfast she went to change and she found her long black jeans with silver gems on them and her white sleeve shirt and her black jacket and put them on.

When Maddie was dressed everyone was ready to go I had the list of places Maddie had been and showed them to Shaun, and then headed off when everyone was in the car. They went everywhere and Maddie was slightly remembering until they got to the last place they went for their dates at sizzlers. Maddie then remembered and started laughing with her friends. Everyone saw Maddie and were happy Maddie’s laugh and smile lit everything up that was around her. “SO do you remember any of this?” Shaun said, Maddie stopped laughing “Yes, it’s all coming back to me now clearly”. Then she smiled and went in for a group hug, Bradie then said “Oh, I almost forgot tomorrow is your birthday”. Everyone gasped and smiled with pleasure.

When they finished dinner they all went back home and Maddie and Bradie were the first ones to go to bed “Goodnight everyone” they both said with smiles and Bradie then picked Maddie up and carried her into their bedroom laughing. Beth and Andy then went to their rooms and Shaun and I as usual are the last to go to bed. We were all very tired and had good dreams and can’t wait for Maddie’s birthday tomorrow.

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