Demons and coffee part 1

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Hey guys, this is my first time writing so to give you a littler intro it's going to have intimate scenes and it's going to move quick. Also check out the season 2 trailer of Wynonna Earp, I'm so excited to see some wayhaught. If there's any writing errors tell me plz.

Waverly POV

Today I'm working at Shorty's but it seems empty. Then my older sister Wynonna came in (like always because she can't have a day withput alcohol).

"Hey baby girl, what's up?" Wynonna asked me.

"Nothing, everything seems to be calm and it's kinda freaking me out".

"Yeah, no shit, it kinda freaking me out to". Wynonna said.

As soon as Wynonna stoped talking the doors opened. Wynonna held Peacemaker in her hands when a beautiful cop walked in.

"Woah, I just came here for some coffee nothing else". She said holding her hands because Wynonna was pointing Peacemaker at her.

"No problem, I'll get your coffee and Wynonna put the gun down". I said and Wynonna put the gun down.

"Sorry about that, you just can't be safe in this town. I'm Wynonna Earp". Wynonna said extending her hand to the officer.

"No problem, you're being cautious. I'm Nicole, Nicole Haught" she said taking Wynonna's hand.

I immediatly turned around to see what was going on because I can't trust my sister with strangers, but once I saw Wynonna introducing herself I felt a relieved and safe when the officer smiled. I felt butterflies in my stomach when the officer smiled showing her dimples. What is this feeling? I thought to myself.

I walked over to them then Wynonna said this:

"I better get going, Dolls is probably looking for me. Later Haught". Wynonna said heading out the door.

Before I knew what was going on the officer was staring at me with a smile and i returned the smile.

"So what's your name officer...?" I asked.

"Haught" she said.

"Excuse me?". I asked in confusion.

"That's my name officer Haught. I'm Nicole Haught". She said extending out her hand out to me.

"I'm Waverly Earp, so are you new to this town officer Haught?". I asked walking away to get her coffee.

She walked behind me and sat on a stool. "Yeah, today is my first day at the office actually". She said staring at me while I hand her her coffee and proceed to clean the taps.

"Well, welcome to Purgatory officer Haught". I said with a smile.

"Thank you and call me Nicole". She said staring at me with a smile.

Wow she's beautiful. Her smile is the best thing in the world. Wait why am I feeling like this. I thought to myself. Before I knew it I was getting sprayed by the taps.

"Jesus," I said looking down at now my wet shirt " fucking perfect". I said but then I remembered the cute officer infront of me.

"Are you okay?" She says laughing.

"Hey, it's not funny." I whined but she continued laughing.

"I'm sorry." She says with an apolegitic look.

"It's fine. Do you mind just to turn around for a bit? I need to change my shirt." I said a little embarassed while motioning with my hands for her to turn around.

"Yeah, sure, no problem." She said turning around.

I was trying to get my shirt when suddenly my shirt decided it was perfect timing to get stuck. Great, crap now what am I going to do? I thought to myself.

Nicole Pov.

I was waiting for the cute girl infront of me to change her shirt.

"Officer, I'm kinda stuck" she says while trying to pull of her shirt herself.

I turn around quickly and for a moment I admire her body but then I quickly jump off my stool.

"I-I owe you one." She says stumbling over her words holding her shirt to her chest. I thought it was cute how she stumbled over her words.

"Alright, how about we get lunch together how about today?". I said with a big grin on my face and looking in her brown eyes.

"I can't, I mean I'd love to.. like like to, but I have plans. Yeah, I'm a planner. I'd like to know what I'm in two or three days in advanced." She says in one breath stumbling over her words again. She pauses for a moment then shakes her head and says:

"I'm in a relationship a boy-man." She says really fast.

I'm a little dissapointed but a give her a grin.

"A boy-man" I repeat. "Yep, I've been there" I say walking towards the stool. "It's the worst".

"So you're a lesbian not a unicorn right?" She says smiling.

I laugh at her joke and smile finishing my coffee. "Yep, that's right. Well, I better get going. Thanks for the coffee Waverly. I hope we see each other again." I say leaving my card on the bar counter and take my stetson with me walking to the door.

"NICOLE!!!" I hear Waverly yell my name once I'm at the doors. I turn around and go back.

"Yeah?" I asked her.

"I'd love to have lunch with you today." She says to me with a smile on her face.

"Alright, see you later Waverly." I said heading to the doors.

Once I'm out from the building I get on my cruiser and head to the police station.

Waverly POV

Once the officer left, I went upstairs and changed my shirt. I've never felt like this with Champ. Am I falling in love with her? I don't know what to do. She makes me smile and I only just met her today. I need to hang out with her more and see what my feelings are before going forward with her. I thought to myself. Then I continued working still thinking about the cutest lesbian unicorn officer in the world.

Alright guys, I'm going to stop it here. There will be a part 2 if you guys want to. Also give me a few ideas for these one shots. Also if there is any sanvers reading this I'm going to write a book with sanvers and wayhaught together. See you guys soon.

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