Bar fight

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A.N. So guys didn't have to wait that long for the next shot. Shout out to KaitlynnePat13 for giving me the prompt for this one shot. Go check her out she writes amazing wayhaught and sanvers one shots. Let's get on with this chapter!!

It was a regular Wednesday night. Waverly was working late at Shorty's and Nicole just got out of work at around 8 pm.

She knew her girlfriend would be working late tonight so she decided to pay her a visit.

She got in her police cruiser and started driving to Shorty's. Once she got there she walked in still in her police uniform she takes a seat in table.

Waverly sees her and smiles to herself. She starts making her way over to her girlfriend.

"Hey officer Haught." She says making Nicole turn her gaze to her.

"Hey babe, can I get a beer please?" Nicole says with a dimple smile.

"Sure, I'll be right back baby." She says leaning up to give her a quick kiss which she does.

She starts making her way over to get her girlfriend's beer but then a costumer seating on a bar stool says:

"Hey, could cha get me another beer and chot of bodka?" A drunk man says slurring his words.

"Sure thing, sir." Waverly says heading to the beer taps and getting his beer and his vodka shot.

Once she gives him his beer and vodka he says:

"Thank ya, beautiful. What about once ya done here we head back to mine and have some fun?" He says.

"Sorry no can do." She says with an apolegitic smile.

She starts walking away but he grabs her wrist with a tight grip and says:

"Why won't a beautiful girl like ya won't head back home with me?" He says putting his hand on Waverly's hip.

"Sir, please let me go." Waverly says while trying to use her free hand to get his hand of her hip.

The man pulls Waverly closer and starts moving his hand up and down Waverly's body and eventually giver her ass a tight squeeze.

"Just go home with me and I'll show ya some fun huh?" He says trying to move up and kiss her on the lips, but before he can do that he feels a punch hit to his gut.

He turns around and looks surprised with officer Haught standing there with a whole lot of rage in her eyes.

"You better leave that girl alone if you know whats good for you?" She says between gritted teeth.

"Oh yeah? Well what hppens if I do this?" He says. Taking his hand off of Waverly's wrist to cover her mouth and moves his other hand to Waverly's ass.

"That tears it!!!" Nicole yells moving forward and punches the guy in the gut which makes him bend down and moving his hands from Waverly.

Nicole proceeds to punch him in the face which hits his chin that makes him drop to the floor.

She takes out her handcuffs and puts the guy's arms behind his back.

"That's what happens when you mess with my girlfriend." She says. "You're under arrest for sexual harrasment." She says with a threatning voice.

"Waves, I'll be right back I'm going to drop this guy at the station and then I'll come back here." She says giving Waverly a quick peck and heading to the station.

Once Nicole drops the guy off in the station she drives back to Shorty's.

When she goes inside the bar, she starts to look for her girlfriend. She finds her sitting on a bar stool. She comes up behind Waverly and wraps her arms around her waist. Waverly turns around and meets Nicole's gaze.

"Thank you, baby for saving me from that arrogant asshole." Waverly says intertwining her fingers with Nicole's.

"I would do it again in a heartbeat as long as he doesn't hurt you again." She says and leans over to meet her in the middle of a deep, slow and passionate kiss.

Once they pull away they keep their fingers intertwined.

"I love you, officer dimples." Waverly says with laughter.

"I love you too, baby girl. So so much." Nicole says giving her a quick peck.

Anyways comments and feedback would be appreciated. Stay awesome and safe guys!! Love you guys 💙💜❤

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