Chapter three

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Hello hello hello I'm back with another crappy chapter. There was much rejoicing. Anyways, I hope you still enjoy it at least a little tiny bit.

Hunk's POV

Okay, a bit of information for you. Right when Yuuri described what happened, I knew it was because of his soulmate. Of course, I could have told him that, but where's the fun in that? Anyways, I knew that we had to find his soulmate right then, so that's why we went on our walk through town. I also could have told him that his soulmate is THE Viktor Nikiforov, but there's no fun in that either. I just wanted to see the look of pure surprise on his face when he meets him. Anyways, enough from me, back to where we were.

Yuuri's POV

I see Viktor running at me, and I brace for impact, thinking he is going to collide with me. Instead, right be for he reaches me he slows down, still walking towards me. He doesn't stop, so I back up, trying to keep him from running into me.

My back hits the wall, and Viktor puts his arms beside my head. I stare up at him, frozen in place. I-is this really happening? Please tell me it is! He leans down closer to me, so close that our lips are almost touching. I feel my face get hot, not knowing what to do in this situation.

He leans down even more, and I close my eyes, thinking he is going to kiss me. Instead, I feel his hot breath on my ear, making the tingling sensation even stronger. "You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen." My eyes widen at his words. M-me? How can I be the most beautiful person he's ever seen. I mean, look at him! His beautiful sea blue eyes and his silver hair make him way more attractive than me!

My face heats up even more because of Viktor's sweet words. Meanwhile, I can hear Hunk in the background squealing like a fangirl and taking pictures of me and Viktor. "Yuuri, may I see your soulmark?" I hear Viktor say in a calm whisper. I lift my palm up, my arm shaking from being this close to Vikto, and show him my white lotus flower soulmark. Silently he lifts up his own hand, and on his palm is the same exact soulmark.

My hands fly up to my face as I gasp in surprise. W-what?!?!?!? THE Viktor Nikiforov is MY soulmate?!?! How is this happening?!?! He touches our marks together, sending waves of tingles up my arm, one after another.

Viktor laces our fingers together, and tales me outside, away from everybody in the donut shop. When we get outside, Viktor pushes me back against the wall.

"Who is that?" he says in a gruff voice. "W-Who i-is Who, V-Viktor?" Ugh, Yuuri, stop stuttering! You're making yourself look like an idiot in front of you soulmate!

"That guy you walked into the shop with. You don't look like you guys are related. Are you dating him?" he barks out. Despite the situation I am in, I start to laugh. Oh, I see. He's jealous of Hunk. I look up and see the confusion in his eyes.

"What? Why are you laughing at me? What's so funny?"

"Viktor, it's okay. Hunk is just my best friend, nothing more. In fact, the reason we are here right now is because I think he knew my soulmate was near. He wanted me to find you today."

His eyes immediately become softer, and he sighs. Suddenly, he starts to smirk, and he puts his head right down by my ear again.

"Good, i can't have everyone trying to take my Yuuri away from me." he purrs. His hot breath sends shivers down my spine, and my face heats up once again. It takes a second for his words to completely register in my mind. Wait, wait, wait. Did he just call me his Yuuri? He actually doesn't hate me? Really?

My heart started pounding in my chest, so loudly that I'm sure Viktor could hear it. Yuuri, calm down. If he hears your heart beating this loud and fast, he will know your anxious and will most likely laugh at you.

As if he could hear my thoughts, Viktor took my hand and places it gently on his chest, over his heart, making my face turn a light shade of pink.

"Its okay, Yuuri. The same exact thing is happening to me right now. You are the only one that can do this to me."

I nod slightly, then take my hand off of hos chest, and move it up to cup the side of his face. This seems to surprise him a little bit, but he eventually leans into my touch.

He finally steps away from me, allowing me to get off of the wall. As soon as my back parts with the wall, Viktor envelopes me in a warm, welcoming hug.

"Yuuri, can I have your number? I need to keep in touch with you. Especially since you are my soulmate." I pull away from the hug, and he hands me his phone so I can put my number into it. I fish my phone out of my pocket and hand it to him. As soon as he is done putting his number in, he hands it back to me.

"Well, as much as I would love to stay out here and talk to you, I must go inside to keep working. See you around, soulmate."

I stand outside, frozen in shock. "He actually wants to talk to me? He doesn't hate me either? How is this possible!?!? Ad these thoughts run through my head, Hunk comes outside, looking through all of the pictures that he took of us on his phone.

"Hunk, I have a question."

"What is it Yuuri?"

"Why did you not tell me that my soulmate is Viktor Nikiforov? Why didn't you at least say we were going to look for my soulmate?"

"I wanted to see the look of surprise on your face, of course."

I sigh, and look at the sidewalk in front of me.



"Thank you for doing that for me."

Hey another long chapter, wooooooo. I hope at least some of you are enjoying this story at least a little bit. Happy birthday, this is probably the worst birthday present you Will get this year, but too bad, its all I got Patrick. Good bye my dudes! Stay sad, but not too sad!

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