Chapter seventeen

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Hello hello! Tis I, your potato.

Viktor's POV

I sit on the couch and eat my granola bar. The delicious scent chicken Alfredo wafted from the kitchen, making my mouth water. I'm so hungry. I should've taken a break from drawing like Yuuri recommended so I could've eaten lunch. I finish off my granola bar and head to the kitchen to throw the wrapper away.

I throw the wrapper into the trash and turn to go back into the living room. I pause and turn my head towards Yuuri. His back is turned to me, and he stares at the pot with the Alfredo sauce in concentration. I sneak up behind him, wrapping my arms around his torso and resting my head on his shoulder. Instead of jumping in surprise, he leaned back onto me.

"Hello, my beautiful boyfriend." He says, making my face turn slightly red. Will I ever be able to not blush when he says this kind of thing? Probably not. Suddenly, he turns the stove off. He gently pushes me off so he can move around the kitchen. He takes a single plate out of the cupboard and grabs two forks. Handing me the forks, he piles the plate high with pasta and Alfredo sauce.

We sit in the living room and share our steaming plate of Alfredo, feeding each other. After he puts the dishes in the sink he walks back into the living room and sits on the couch with me. I feel Yuuri's arm snake around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. I lean into him and bury my head in his chest.

"Vitya?" He says, making me jump in surprise. I lift my head to look him in the eyes. "Do you wanna do something fun before we go to bed?" I nod my head, and he suddenly stands up. He grabs my hand and leads me too the bedroom. Leading me to the bed, he pushes me down to sit on the bed. My face heats up as my heart starts to beat faster and faster. W-what's he doing!?! I-I'm not ready! I close my eyes, but all he does is say, "Stay in here until I come back to get you."

Yuuri walks out of the bedroom, and I calm down a bit. I wonder what he's doing. I strain my ears, trying to listen to what he's doing. After a few minutes, I stop trying and just lay down. My thoughts drift to what was going through my head just minutes ago, and my face turns bright red. I can't believe I thought that! I'm such a terrible person. I snap out of my thoughts when I feel Yuuri grab my hand.

He leads me back into the living room, and I notice that he moved all of the couches out of the center of the room. I gave him a questioning glance, and he just smiled at me and took out his phone. He tapped the screen and immediately after, beautiful music started spilling out of a speaker in the corner of the room.

"Will you do me the honor of dancing with me, Vitya?" He says as he stretches his hand out towards me. I nod my head excitedly, grabbing his hand and placing a kiss on his knuckles. Without warning, he pulls me against the hard line of his body, wrapping his arms around the back of my neck. I gently rest my hands on Yuuri's waist, swaying side to side with him.

Before long, we start really dancing. We move our feet and spin each other, even dipping each other occasionally. Laughter spills from our mouths, the sounds mingling to form a beautiful symphony. Our bodies stay close, making us sweat, but we don't care. I dip Yuuri, and when I pull him up, he stops moving, causing me to still. His arms, still snaked around my neck, started pulling my head down towards him. I close my eyes, expecting our lips to make contact soon. I feel his breath mingling with mine, and I get pulled closer still.

Suddenly, his arms tighten around my neck as his knees give out. My arms tighten around his back to help hold him up. I carefully lay him on the floor, and see a concerning sight. Yuuri's breathing is even shorter and more erratic, his face is pale, and all of his limbs are shaking. Oh no! What do I do, I have no idea what's happening, I don't know how to deal with this! I feel one of Yuuri's shaky hands rest on my arm, and I look at him in panic.

"V-Vitya." He takes a shaky breath. "C-call H-Hunk for m-me please. H-he can help-p m-me." His eyes turn blank, and he starts twitching on the floor, mumbling things I can't understand. I lift his head and put a pillow there, then run to his phone and dial Hunks number. My hands shake as I hold the phone up to my ear, tears starting to form in my eyes.


"Hunk I need you to come over right now." I cut him off. "Yuuri just collapsed on the floor and started twitching and his breathing is shallow and I don't know what to do in this situation." I say, not bothering to form sentences.

"I'll be right over." He says, and hangs up. I run back to the living room to check on Yuuri again. He's still on the floor where I left him, covered in more sweat than before. I reach out to touch him, but when I do, he flinches away from my touch. All I can do is sit and wait for Hunk to arrive.

I hear the door open and slam shut, and seconds later Hunk is beside Yuuri on the floor. He gently grabs Yuuri and pulls him into a hug, ignoring all of his twitching and squirming. He starts to rub Yuuri's back, trying to calm him down.

"No no no no, this can't happen, not now, please don't do this, not now, not ever." Yuuri mumbles, starting to twitch even more. Hunks gasps and pulls Yuuri closer.

"Crap, this is a bad one." He says, confusing me. He starts to whisper comforting words into Yuuri's ear. I reach for his hand, and Hunk swats my hand away. "I'm sorry Viktor, but you don't know how to handle him correctly in this situation. I don't want this to get any worse than it is now." He turns his attention back to Yuuri, and I sigh in frustration.

"What the heck is happening right now!?!?" I yell, exasperated. "Why is this happening to my boyfriend!?" Hunk sighs and turns in my direction.

"For some reason, Yuuri gets these really bad flashbacks. They can strike him at anytime, and it can be any bad memory. He slips out of reality so that it actually seems like he's in the past, going through that memory again. This is one of the worst ones he's had." Yuuri suddenly screams out of nowhere, and starts moaning like he's in pain.

"C-Collin, stop. No no no no no no, C-Collin PLEASE DON'T. NO." Yuuri screams, tears starring to run down his face. Collin? I look to Hunk and ask him who Collin is.

"After Yuuri's dad died, he was obviously sad, and he could see the zombies. Collin was Yuuri's first true friend. They were like brothers, inseparable. One day, Collin got curious like you did, so he followed Yuuri. The zombies found him and bit him. Yuuri was surrounded by zombies and couldn't get him the antidote in time." Tears now flowed steadily down Hunks face.  I won't lie. I cried. Hard. For a person that I had never seen, had never met. I leaned over Yuuri and cried for him, for all of the pain he's been through.

"V-Vitya..." Yuuri says, his voice rough and scratchy. I grab his hand and stroke his palm with my thumb. He brings a hand up to my face and wipes away my tears. "Thank you for calling Hunk. I don't know what I would do without you." I sit criss cross and pull Yuuri onto my lap, putting his head on my chest. I look around and notice that Hunk left.

I put my fingers under his chin and lift his eyes to meet mine. He gives me a tired smile, and I lean in and give him a kiss on the forehead. I lift him up and carry him to the bedroom, tucking him in. I join him under the blanket, and we both quickly fall into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Sorry that I haven't updated recently. Also, sorry that I'm making this story so sad and concerning. I'll try to make it more happy. Oh, thank you all very much for 1.2K reads, I really appreciate it. Bye fam. Stay sad, but not too sad.

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