Chapter 26

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Hello Hello! Welcome back! I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Viktor's POV

My eyelids crack open, squinting against the bright lights streaming into the room. I sit up in bed, turning red when I see Yuuri laying under me, trying, and failing, to suppress his giggles. I scrabble off of Yuuri, turning away from him when he starts full blown laughing.

"S-stop Yu! I'm embarrassed!" I stutter, and Yuuri calms down, grabbing my hand and pulling me back to him.

"I'm sorry Vitya. I'll stop now." He pulls me back onto his lap, wrapping his arms around my torso. I relax back onto him, placing the back of my head into the crook of his neck. His cold fingers run up and down my arms, causing chills to rise to the surface of my arms.

"You really are adorable, Vitya. I'm glad your mine." My face turns red, but I smile in content and push my body closer to Yuuri's. The door swings open and Eve walks in, Phichit close behind her. Their fingers are laced, and when they walk in Phichit pulls Eve over to him and places a kiss on her temple.

Eve giggles and turns to Phichit, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips before turning to me and Yuuri, motioning to me to move so she can check on him. My face turns red as I scramble off of him, walking over to the chair and sitting down.  Phichit leans on the wall next to me, looking at Eve with a loving smile on his face.

"She's amazing, isn't she?" Phichit says on a dreamy sigh. I nod, watching Eve work on Yuuri, asking him questions about how he is. He answers in short sentences, smiling and glancing at me occasionally. I smile back, turning away when my face turns red.

I look up when Eve clears her throat. "Well, you'll be happy to know that Yuuri will be making a full recovery with only a few scars." I smile at her, standing to give her a tight hug. I whisper a quiet thanks to her, ands pats my back and pulls away from me, leaving the room with Phichit on her heels. 

I walk over and sit on the edge of Yuuri's bed, lacing our fingers together, resting our soulmarks against each other. Yuuri smiles at me and before I can stop him, he swings his legs over the side of the bed and tries to stand. His leg gives out and he falls forward, reaching his arms out and preparing for contact with the floor. I jump off of the bed, catching him in my arms before he hits the floor.

I pull Yuuri up, holding him in a standing position so that he doesn't fall again. My hands find their way to his hips, holding him against me in fear of his leg giving out again. His arm loop around the back of my neck, holding himself up. I hug him tighter, and before I know it, Yuuri starts to slowly sway back and forth.

"Yuuri?" I whisper, placing my chin on my loves shoulder. He hums, and I continue. "Can you tell me all the reasons you love me?" Yuuri lets out a breathy laugh and pulls away far enough to look at me.

"If I tell you all of them we may be here for a while. I tell you the most important." He looks into the distance, seemingly gathering his thought before letting out a deep breath and flashing me a smile.

"Lets see. I love your beautiful cerulean blue eyes that light up when your happy, love your soft pink lips that I love to kiss, love how your cheeks turn red when I talk to you. I absolutely adore your caring nature, your tendency to love people with all of your heart when you love them. I love that when I see you all of my worries and fears disappear and its just you in my thoughts."

"I love your soft strands of platinum hair that I could run my fingers through for hours, love the feeling of you laying next to me and hugging me close to you. I love you for the reason that you were the only person who could truly bring me out of my depression of Collin dying. But, most of all, I love you for being you." 

I stop swaying and dig my face into Yuuri's shoulder, the tears rolling out of my eyes staining his hospital robe. Yuuri coos softly at me, rubbing his hands up and down my back. I sob into his shoulder before looking up at him, pulling him close and connecting our lips in a soft kiss. I pull away and smile at him, tears still spilling from my eyes.

I run my fingers through his soft raven hair, thoughts swimming with all of the sweet things Yuuri said to me. I rest my head on his shoulder, arms circling his waist. 

"I love you, Yu." I mumble, squeezing him even tighter. Yuuri laughs and starts to sway again. I look up to the door way, and bury my face into Yuuri's shoulder, my face turning red. Yuuri notices and turns his head to see what I saw.

"Hello Phichit, Eve." I feel Yuuri nod his head at them, turning his attention back to me. He places his cheek on the side of my head, kissing me on the head slightly. I look up to see that Eve and Phichit moved farther into the room, sitting down on the chairs along the wall.

I close my eyes, focusing on Yuuri's arms around my neck, on the feeling his body pressed against mine. After some time, I glance up to see Eve and Phichit a few feet away from us, arms wrapped around each other and swaying, just like Yuuri and me.

I watch them for a bit, watch as they whisper to each other, goofy smiles on their faces. I bury my face into Yuuri's shoulder again, smiling as my thoughts drift to all of the wonderful things he told me not too long ago. 

I hope this moment never ends.

Sorry that its so short, I didn't have a bunch of inspiration to write today. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoyed it! Btw, would you be interested in a Phichit and Eve chapter from Phichit's POV?

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