Chapter eight

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Hello hello I'm back again. I'll try not to make this story too depressing, but I don't know how well I will be able to do that. Try to enjoy as best you can!

Viktor's POV

I step back from Yuuri, my mind reeling in shock. Did he just..... I Yuuri looks away from me, tears starting to form in his eyes.

"B-but Yuuri, I thought you said that you loved me. Were you lying to me about that?"

"N-no Viktor, I love you so much, and I will never stop loving you, thats why I have to do this." He looks away and mumbles something inaudible under his breath.

"If you truly loved me, you wouldn't just push me away like this." He flinches as if my words physically hurt him, like a punch to the stomach. He whimpers and sinks down to the floor, sitting on his legs. Tears star streaming down his face, dripping down onto his pants.

"Y-Yuuri! I'm so, so sorry! Th-that just popped out of my mouth, I really didn't mean it!" I rush over to his side, and envelope him in a warm, welcoming hug. He hugs me back and starts uncontrollably sobbing into my shoulder.

"V-Viktor, I n-need you! I need you a-alive, to make this world brighter! I-if you hang around m-me, you could het hurt! I-I just can't let it happen to another person I love!" His shoulders are shaking, and the sobs racking through his body only keep getting worse. I pull him onto my lap, and encase him in my arms.

After a few minutes, he looks up and wipes his face with his long sleeves. He sniffles, and pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around his back, but then I realize something that I somehow did not notice before.

"Yuuri, aren't you a bit warm? You have a long sleeved shirt on and long pants on. It's summer." I move to pull up his sleeves a bit, but he gently swats my hands away.

"N-no, its okay. Hunk is always wearing long sleeved shirts and long pants, and it's just a habit that rubbed off on me." I think back to yesterday, and realize that, yes, Hunk did have that type,of clothes on.

"Okay, I'll believe you Yuuri. But just so you know, going back to our conversation earlier, I Will never leave you. You can pleas and beg all you want, but I will stay with you forever. I don't care what happens to me, I just need you around me, all day everyday."

His grip around me tightens, and he nuzzles his head into my shoulder. His head nods slightly, letting me know he understood.

"Hey, Yuuri?" He looks at me, and I move my arms from around his back and lightly grab his face.

"You said you loved me, right?" He nods his head in response.

"Well then, prove to me how much you really love me. I want you to kiss me Yuuri." His eyes widen for a few seconds, but he then takes my hands off his face, and puts his hands on mine.

He leans in closer, and kisses the right corner of my mouth, then the left one. He pulls back in hesitation before moving his hands to the back of my neck and pulls me closer, smashing out lips together. I immediately lose myself in the kiss, lose myself in Yuuri. The taste of him, the feel of his lips on mine, I can't get enough of it.

The warmth of his body against mine, the strength he has despite how weak and vulnerable he seems sometimes. It's all like a drug to me, and I'm hooked on it, after just one time. He pulls away, lips red and slightly swollen. A faint blush appears on his cheeks, a mirror of what's happening to me.

"That......that was amazing." I say, looking into his beautiful brown eyes, making him blush a deeper shade of red.

"R-really? I've obviously never kissed anyone before, seeing as I was waiting for my soulmate." I pull him into a hug and kiss his forehead.

"It was wonderful, my love. I really doubted you would actually kiss me full on the lips, but I'm happy you did." Crap, now I love Yuuri even more. I need to know what he does secretly, and how he is always getting hurt. Ooh, I have an idea....

Yuuri's POV

I sit here, staring at Viktor in shock. Ok, here's what happened. Viktor asked me to kiss him, I did, and he said that it was amazing?!? How did this happen?! I think about spending all night just laying in bed with Viktor, but then I think back to what Hunk told me while I was redoing his stitches earlier.

"They will be out tonight, too. Before you ask, I have no idea why they are coming out so often, but that doesn't change the fact that we have to fight them."

I snap back to reality, where Viktor is now sitting behind me and giving me a massage. I look up at the clock, quickly checking the time. Oh, crap! I was supposed to be there a few minutes ago! I get out my phone and text Hunk, telling him I will be late and why. I stand up suddenly, and Viktor looks at,me with a confused expression.

"I-I have to go Viktor. Go to bed, I'll be home soon. I need to go to the community center, I usually help out there sometimes. And no, you can't come, I'm sorry. You aren't part of the program."

I stand up and walk to my,room to suit up.

Viktor's POV

I run to my room and keep,my door open a crack. I don't know where Yuuri is going, but it sure isn't the community center. There isn't even one around here. He walks out of his room, clad in a completely black outfit with combat boots on. He slips out the door, and closes it. Seconds later, I hear a car door slam and an engine turn on. Maybe I'll,follow him to see what he's up to......

Yay, a relatively happy chapter!  I know you guys like this one a lot better than the one before it. Anyways, where do you think Yuuri is going? What is he doing. All of this will he answered in the next chapter, I think. And, the kiss! Was it too rushed? Idk, I'm not very good at writing. Stay sad, but not too sad!

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