Chapter fifteen

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Hello hello everyone! I just wanted to say thank you guys so much for 656 reads and 94 votes! I really appreciate it. Without you guys I probably would have stopped writing.

Viktor's POV

Seconds ago, I was in bed. Now, I'm in the front seat of my car, driving happily to my mother's house. I can't wait to tell her the good news. I'm so excited to move in with Yuuri!

I pull up into my driveway, and immediately notice something is wrong. Huh, my mom knew I was coming. She usually waits outside to greet me. I walk forward, calling her name. Suddenly, from behind the house, I hear a blood curdling scream.

I run to the backyard of my house, and there a see a terrible sight. My mother, laying on the ground, scratches in her arms bleeding profusely. On her right forearm, black teeth marks are bubbling and oozing black goo.

I run to her, tears slipping out of my eyes. As I get closer, I realize she is twitching. I kneel over her, seeing if there are any wounds out of sight. When I look at her face, her lips are silently mouthing three words over and over again. I lean down, and she gets a bit louder.

"Maim. Kill. Destroy. Maim. Kill. Destroy." I back up, and let out a whimper. Standing behind her are three zombies, reaching out to grab me. I push myself off the ground and start running.

The zombies follow after me, so I force myself to go faster. I completely forget about my car parked in front of the house, starting to run to Yuuri's house. As I run, I start to tire, but I don't let myself slow down. By the time I reach Yuuri's house, my legs and lungs are burning. I finally reach the door, fling it open, and slam it behind me. I start sobbing, and I lay down to wait for Yuuri, to get back. Suddenly, the zombies burst into his house, reaching for me. I back up until my back hits the wall, and the zombies come towards me and........

I bolt up right,my body covered in sweat. Tears are running down my face, and I look over to see a concerned Yuuri looking at me. I tackle him in a hug and bury my face into his shoulder. He rubs my back, whispering calming words into my ear.

"Was it the same nightmare again?" I nod my head, and he pulls me closer. For the past few days, this is what would happen. We would chill around the house, and Yuuri would do his best to take care of me. Every time I would cry, he would sit and comfort me.

The same nightmare would plauge me every time I slept. It started o it as the day I found my mother, the moment I first saw the zombies. It would end with something that hadn't actually happened. Zombies would break in and corner me.

I pull away from Yuuri, wipe my eyes, and sniffle. "Every time I close my eyes, I see her face. I see all of her injures, and hear what she said. It hurts, Yuuri. It hurts to see that." He presses our foreheads together, and stares into my eyes.

"I know it does, Vitya. But, you need to be strong. Don't let your sadness overtake your life." He intertwines our fingers and kisses the back of my hand. He stands up and leads me to the living room.

We sit down on the couch, hands still intertwined. He pulls me closer to him, laying my body on top of his. His arms wrap around my stomach and hold me closely. A faint blush appears on my face as I rotate onto my side and wrap my arms around Yuuri's torso.

"Yuuri, I think I'll be ready to start my training tomorrow." He just nods at me, and I muzzle my face into the side of his chest. Suddenly, Yuuri is gone, his warmth replaced by cold air. I look up and see him looking down on me, a finger to his lips. 'There is someone in the porch. I don't know who it is, so keep quiet,' he mouths, so I press my lips together.

Moments later, a knock sounds on the door. "Yuuri, it's us. We wanted to see how you and Viktor are doing," says a muffled voice from the other side of the door. Yuuri rushes to the door and is greeted by Hunk, Phichit, and Eve. Hunk and Phichit give Yuuri a hug while Eve runs inside to me.

"Viktor, are you okay? I heard what happened, and I'm so sorry. It must be hard." She hugs me, and I smile and return the hug. When she pulls away a he grabs my hand and squeezes it before quickly letting go. She gasps suddenly. "I forgot something in the car, I'll be right back." She rushes out, and Hunk and Phichit make their way over to me.

"Sorry about what happened to you. I know how you feel. If you need anything, I'm always here for you," says Phichit. Hunk just nods, showing he means the same. Eve runs in and makes her way to me. She hands me a box, wrapped up with a red bow. She nods, signaling for me to open it. Inside the box are a few dozen muffins.

"I made you some homemade banana muffins. They always seemed to cheer me up when I was little, so I thought I'd make you some." I stand up and hug her, thanking her for the muffins. She backs away and sees Yuuri standing in the corner, a fake pout on his face.

"Why didn't you make me any muffins Eve? I feel hurt." Eve, Hunk, and Phichit all snort at him, and he starts laughing.

"Just for that," Eve turns to me, "Viktor, don't share an of your muffins with Yuuri. He doesn't deserve them anymore." In the corner, Yuuri puts his hand on his chest in mock hurt. We all laugh at him, and soon he joins in with us.

Eve, Phichit, and Hunk stay over for hours, sitting and laughing and talking with us. When lunch time rolled around, Yuuri got up to make some food. He came in with plates piled high with spaghetti.

He gave one to Hunk, one to Phichit, and one to Eve. I see that only one plate is left, and I look at him in confusion. He hold up two forks and smiles at me.

"I thought maybe we could share a plate of spaghetti." He winks at me, and my face turns completely red. Everyone in the room 'awe's, and I nod my head. Bringing the plate and the forks over, he sits beside me.

He twirls the spaghetti onto the fork, but instead of eating it himself, he holds it up to my lips. My face turns even more red, but I open my mouth and eat the spaghetti. Everyone else starts squealing about how cute we are. With a smile, he holds the other fork up to me, and I grab it.

I twirl the spaghetti onto the fork, and hold it up to his mouth, looking away in embarrassment. He eats the spaghetti and hums under his breath.

"That is some good spaghetti right there. I've never really been good at making spaghetti, but that turned out well." I turn my head back, and realize Eve, Phichit, and Hunk aren't there. Yuuri puts his hand on my jaw and turns my head to face me.

"Vitya, you have sauce on your face. Let me get it." He leans in and kisses the corner of my mouth where the sauce was. He moves his mouth over slightly and pecks me on the lips. My face heated up again, and he chuckled.

We finished eating, and went back to how we were before Hunk, Phichit, and Eve. All afternoon, we cuddled on the couch and watched movies. It was pure bliss.

Wow, that was surprisingly not to sad. Again, thank you all for all of the reads and votes, it really makes my day to see people reading and commenting on my story. I'm also writing a new story, but it's a surprise so I'm not gonna tell you what it is. Goodbye fam. Stay sad, but not too sad!

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