Chapter eleven

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Hello hello my frens I am back. It's gonna get boring for a while probably, but we've had so much drama that we need some normal stuff.

Viktor's POV

Yuuri drags me out of the room with a devious smile on his face. He leads me down a hallway with a big red door at the end of it. As we near the door, I can hear the grunts and groans of the other slayers.

Yuuri pushes the door open to reveal a room full of hot, sweaty people. Some were lifting weights, others running on treadmills, some were even sword fighting with each other. I look over to see a boxing ring, two people inside punching and kicking at each other, expertly dodging the other persons attacks. Yuuri looks to a person on the treadmill, and he gets his attention.

"Hey, Keith, it's Viktor's turn on the treadmill. Go take a well deserved break." Keith nods and turns the treadmill off. He jumps off and walks away while draining the contents of a water bottle in a matter of seconds. Yuuri turns back too me.

"Do you have workout clothes with you?" I shake my head, and Yuuri just nods. "That is to be expected I guess, since you had no idea that you would be working out here. You can just wear some of mine, I guess." He points his finger in the direction of the locker room.

"My locker is number 78. Get some workout clothes on and come back out ASAP." I walk to the locker room. After a few seconds, I find Yuuri's locker. I dig around in it to find some comfortable training clothes. I decide to wear a pair of black shorts, with a tight blue tank top.

I walk out and scan the room for Yuuri. When I finally find him, my mouth falls open. He exchanged his jeans for a pair of low slung sweat pants, and didn't even bother to put on a shirt. I blush and tear my eyes away from his muscley torso. Before I looked away, I had noticed that he had scars and tattoos all over him. The tattoos said names. He has names tattooed all over his body? What for?

I make my way over to the treadmill, carefull not to run into anybody. I reach the treadmills, and get on the only empty one. I look at what the person is at beside me, and I put mine at a slightly lower speed and incline. If Yuuri needs me to train, I will train as hard as I can to be good enough for him. Even though I'm only a few minutes into running, my legs are already burning, but I push through it. The person on the treadmill beside me notices my struggling and starts to laugh. He reaches over and lowers my speed and incline.

"Hi, I'm Lance. I know you may want to train as hard as you can to do well, but beginners need to start slow." He looks away, and I start to focus on running more. Now that the speed and incline are lower, it's much easier. My eyes sub-consciously drift back to Yuuri. He has now taken his glasses off, and his hair, damp with sweat, is now slicked back. Beads of sweat drip down his musclely chest, going lower and lower.

He notices me staring at him, and he smirks and winks at me. My face heats up, and I trip and almost fall on the treadmill. My soulmate does have a dangerous life, but dang am I lucky to have him.

I snap back to reality, and notice that I have been running for a half an hour some how. My legs immediately start to get tired, and my knees buckle. I fall on the floor, and get burns from the belt of the treadmill. I cry out, and before anyone else moves to get me, Yuuri is by my side, helping me up.

He helps me limp to the bathroom, and sits me on the counter. He reaches into the cabinet and pulls out bandages. He puts neosporin on my brush burns, and puts bandages over them.

"You know, I'm not a baby that needs to be taken care of like this. I am fully capable of doing this myself, or to just keep running," I pout, sticking out my bottom lip. He gets closer, standing in between my legs, and brings his face close to mine.

"I know, but I can't stand to see my beautiful soulmate hurt in anyway." He brushes his lips over mine in a whisper of a kiss. He brings his hand up to my face, ghosting his knuckles over the shell of my ear and across my jaw. He steps back, and helps me down off the counter.

My face is completely red from how close he got, how close we were to kissing again. Agh, why couldn't he just kiss me?!?! I really want a kiss now. Instead of taking me back into the training room, he brings me out side. He leads me to my car, and opens the door for me.

"We are going home now. I don't care of you want to come over to my house or go to yours, but we are going. I will leave to fight zombies tonight, so DO NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCE follow me, understand? I want you to stay home and stay safe. He closes the door and walks over to his own car. He pulls out of the driveway, and I follow him closely.

When we get to his house, I walk in and see him texting someone. He gasps and facepalms, then starts to quickly text back.

"Who are you texting Yuuri?" I ask, walking up behind him to give him a hug.

"Oh, it's just Hunk. I was telling him what happened with you out there, your fainting and all. He's just being an idiot."

"Why, what did he say?" I ask, moving to get a glass of water. He sighs, and puts his head in his hands.

"Nothing for you to get worried about, you'll probably just get more embarrassed." He stands up, and engulfs me in a warm, loving hug. "Go to bed and relax, my love." He whispers in my ear. "I promise to tell you when I leave if you promise not to follow me. Deal?"

I nod my head, and head to a guest room in Yuuri's house. I lay down, and fall into a deep, seamless slumber.


I feel someone lightly tap my shoulder, and I open my eyes slightly, squinting against the light. I see Yuuri's face looking down at me. He is wearing dark clothes with weapons stashed under them, no doubt. He has black face paint under his eyes, for reasons I do not know. He leans down and gives me a quick kiss on the forehead.

"Goodbye, my love. I will be back soon. Be good while I'm gone, please." He walks away, and I get up and stumble after him. I wrap him in a hug from behind, and he turns around to wrap his arms around my waist.

"Hey, Yuuri?" I say, grabbing his attention. I hear him hum in response, so I ask him my question. "Why didn't you kiss me earlier?" He pulls away from the hug slightly to look me in the eyes.

"Well, first off, because everyone was standing around the door and I didn't want them to burst in on us kissing. But," he says in a low, gravelly voice, "mostly because if I started kissing you again, I wouldn't have been able to restrain myself." He smirked at me while my face was getting darker and darker. "You were just too cute, and I wouldn't have been able to control myself, who knows what I would have done?" He pulls away, and waves to me as he leaves his house.

Hello hello, my frens. So, does anybody actually like my story so far? Would anybody like me to make a Yuuri POV with him fighting zombies in it? Please tell me if you would. Goodbye fam, stay sad, but not too sad!

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