Chapter 25

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Hello Hello! I'm back with another chapter. Please enjoy!

Viktor's POV

Its been days.

Eve carefully moved Yuuri up to an actual hospital bed in a closed off room in the Slayer Base. Since then, she hooked him up to medical equipment and I've never left his side. Not once. 

I sit beside him, holding his calloused yet soft hand in my own shaking hands. I hide my tear stained face from Eve when she bustles in, checking Yuuri's vitals. Peeling the bandage on his shoulder away, I look at the bullet hole, fear filling my chest.

"It hasn't started healing yet." I say in fear, and Eve just looks at me with confusion. I motion towards his shoulder, and she smiles sadly at me.

"Honey, its only been three days. A wound this bad won't heal for a little while." Looking away from me, she gently slathers ointment on his shoulder before wrapping it in new bandages. She lifts his leg and takes the bandage off, repeating the process that she did on his shoulder. She moves to leave the room, but hesitates when she sees fresh tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Viktor, Yuuri will be fine. It might take him a little while to recover, but he will make it and nothing will be wrong with him. Try to be happier, for him." She says, gesturing to Yuuri. "Okay?" I nod my head and she smiles, bringing her small hands up to my face to wipe away my tears.  She pulls me into a comforting hug before leaving the room and closing the door, leaving me alone with Yuuri.

"Y-Yu, please, I-I need you right now. I know she said it'll take you a little while to recover, but its only been three days and I already can't take it." I whisper, tears still steadily running down my face despite Eve's attempt to cheer me up. I caress his cheeks and run my fingers through his hair, willing him to wake up with all my heart.


Three more days have passed.

Throughout those days, people entered the room, trying to comfort me. I brushed them all off with a sad smile, Yuuri being the only person I wanted to comfort me.

My eyes have dark bags under them, and anybody who sees me can tell I haven't slept for six days. Everyday Eve comes in and checks on Yuuri, and today she walks in with a big smile on her face. 

"Today is a good day, Viktor. I can feel it." She starts with her routine check, and her smile gets even wider. "See, I told you! His shoulder is starting to heal at a regular rate." Wrapping his shoulder back up, she moves to his leg. "So has his leg." Relief fills my body, and after six days of sitting there, I finally allow myself to rest my head on the edge of his bed.

He's finally getting better, I think before the dark, welcoming embrace of sleep pulls me under.


My eyelashes flutter open, and I wake to the feeling of someone softly petting my hair. I rub my eyes and sit up straight, before looking up and being met with Yuuri's beautiful brown eyes staring lovingly back at me. "Hello, Vitya." He says, voice gruff from not using it for days.

Before I can stop myself, I'm scrambling onto the bed with Yuuri, straddling his hips and being careful not to put any pressure on his bullet wounds. My hands frame his face as I press kisses to every inch of his face before pressing my face into his chest, inhaling his scent of strawberries that he somehow still has, even after laying in a hospital bed for six days.

The tears running down my face stain Yuuri's Hospital robe that they dressed him in. The hand of his good arm finds its way into my hair, and he presses a kiss to my temple. "Shh, it's okay now Vitya. You don't need to worry about me anymore." My arms wrap around his torso and I hug him harder, burying my face into his chest even more.

In a more stern voice, he says, "What we should be talking about is you. Did you do anything to take care of yourself while I was out? Somebody came in while you were sleeping and told me you never left my side, never ate, never slept, and didn't even leave my side to take a short shower."

His expression softens, and he continues. "I understand how you felt, and I've done this same thing before. But, you at least have to take care of yourself. Promise me that if this ever happens again, you'll take care of yourself." I look up at him and see the look of concern on his face. Guilt fills my chest and I nod meekly at him.

Eve walks into the room and is met with me straddling Yuuri and she laughs as my face goes red. "Your finally awake Viktor. After being out for six days, Yuuri was ready to talk to you, but he woke up to see that you were asleep." I press my head back into Yuuri's chest, mumbling an apology to my soulmate. 

Eve started chatting with Yuuri, telling him what happened while he was out. His hand started rubbing my back and he started to press soft kisses to the top of my head. Eve and Yuuri started to talk about how he got to Slayer Base, and I lifted my head to tell him what happened.

"So, you're telling me," he pauses, "that after I got shot in the leg, you picked me up and ran me to the car?" I nod my head and look away as my cheeks get red. He pulls me into a tight hug, whispering a thank you to me. I nod my head and I start to feel Yuuri's fingers thread through my hair.

I sit on Yuuri in silence as people come in and out of the room, chatting with my soulmate as I hug him, keeping my face hidden from view. His fingers run through the strands of my hair, filling my body with calmness. My eyes fill with tears of happiness to finally have Yuuri mostly back to normal.

Yuuri feels my tears through the material of his Hospital robe. He leans down and whispers, "You okay, Vitya?" I nod my head, and he squeezes me as hard as he can with only one arm. My fingers grip at the fabric of the robe, and Yuuri hisses in pain.

"I-I'm sorry Yu! I didn't mean to hurt you!" I look up at him with a red face.

"It wasn't you, that was my fault." I suddenly realize that both of his arms are now wrapped around my back. He started rubbing my back with both of his arms, and inhales deeply at the pain, biting his lip. He gives me a pained but happy smile.

"Yu, you shouldn't be doing this. What if you injure your shoulder even more?" He smiles reassuringly at me, his hands still rubbing my back.

"Its fine, really. Eve even said that I should move it around a bit, so what better way than to move it while holding my beautiful soulmate." I lay my head on his chest, my ear landing right above Yuuri's beating heart. 

Wooooo, its happy! Btw, if you haven't seen, I've started writing another Viktuuri fanfic. If you wanna read it, I would really appreciate it.

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