Chapter sixteen

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Hello hello! I'm back with another chapter, as you can see. Let's get right to it.

Viktor's POV

Yuuri decided that he wanted me to stay home for at least one me day before I started training. I decided to do some exercise to take up some of my free time. As I do push-ups, I realize Yuuri hasn't come out of his room all day.

I walk over and knock on the door, waiting for a response. He doesn't answer, so I knock again and ask him if he's okay. I hear him sigh in frustration, and I heat something heavy fall onto the floor. I open the door and see Yuuri laying on the floor with his hands covering his face.

"Yuuri, are you okay? Did you fall off the bed?" He takes his hands off of his face and looks at me. With a frustrated sigh he points to the bed. Laying on the bed is a plethora of pencils and an open sketchbook. I pick up his skeychbook, my mouth falling open in awe.

"I can't get my drawing right. I've been working on it for hours and it still looks terrible." I look to him and look back to his sketch. It's a beautiful sketch of him on the ice, skating beautifully. I set his sketchbook on the bed and straddle him on the floor. I out my hands on either side of his face and stare down at him.

"W-wha........h-how even..........." I stutter, not knowing what to say. "Yuuri, how the heck can you draw that well? That picture was beautiful, what do you mean it looks terrible?!?!" He sighs for what seems like the millionth time, and he slides out from underneath me.

Grabbing his sketchbook, he sits down on his bed and pats the space beside him, signaling for me to sit next to him. He then starts explaining to me how the hands don't look right, how the proportions weren't exactly how he wanted them, and how the hair wasn't right.

"Yuuri, if I tried to draw that it would be a stick figures standing there with black masses on its feet for skates. You are one of the most skilled artists I know. Can I look through the rest of your drawings?" He nods his head, and I carefully grab the sketchbook out of his hands.

Every single picture, whether it's a clean drawing or just a quick sketch, was so beautiful. I came across a page full of sketches of.....ME!? On the page is a few different sketches of me in different poses, and a lot of little sketches of my eyes.

"Yuuri, Why do you have a page of just me?" I say in an amused voice, and for a second I swear I could see a tiny bit of a blush make its way across Yuuri's face. He cleared his throat and turned to me.

"I was a big fan of your skating, still am. I really looked up to you, and I wanted to skate on the same ice as you someday. I decided to draw you because I thought you were just.......breathtakingly beautiful." He stared off into space, and I tackled him in a hug, pushing him down onto the bed. I dug my face into his chest, trying to hide my bright red face.

"How in the world did I get this lucky? My soulmate loved me even before we met." Suddenly, I was flipped over, Yuuri's weight now on top of me. He looked at me, chuckling at my red face. He brings his face down so that out noses are touching.

"You know what Viktor? I just realized that we aren't really dating. We met, but neither of us asked the other out. So, do you have something to ask me." My face turned even more red. Why do I have to ask? Why can't you? I loom up at him and smile.

"Yuuri, w-will you b-be my........... b-boyfriend?" He smirks and pecks me on the lips.

"Of course, Vitya. Forever and always." He kisses my cheek and stands up to leave the room. Oh, he's not leaving until he gives me an actual kiss. I stand up and grab his hand, pulling him back to me. Before I have time to think about what I'm doing, I pull him closer and mash our lips together.

His arms wrap around my neck, pulling me closer to deepen the kiss. Reality melts away and all I know of is me and Yuuri, standing here kissing. He tastes of mint, like always, and he towers over me, starting to tangle his fingers into my hair. I wrap my arms around his waist and press our bodies together.

He pulls away and smile at me, lips red and swollen. He winks at me, and my face turns red once again. Before he leaves, I clutch his hand. He looks back at me, one eyebrow raised in a questioning expression.

"Can you teach me how to draw?"  He smiles at me and nods his head.

"On one condition." I look at him and nod my head, signaling for him to continue. "No complaining. You won't be good right away, so please be patient and don't complain if it doesn't look like what you want it to look like." I nod my head vigorously, and sit down on the bed.

He sits beside me and pulls out two completely new sketchbooks from a drawer beside his bed. He give one to me and open the other one to the front page.

"Um, question." I said, and Yuuri turned to me. "Why did you get out two new sketchbooks?" He looks at me quizickly, as if the answer is obvious.

"Becuse the other sketchbook I was using is full, and you need your own sketchbook." I started feeling pressured, the thought of having my own sketchbook scaring me.

I don't want to draw in this, I'll probably ruin it! It looks so nice right now, and I'll just ruin it with my drawings. I snap out of my thought when I feel Yuuri's hand on my shoulder.

"Viktor, it's okay. Your first drawing aren't going to be everything you want them to be. There's no reason to stress. Now, the first things you want to work on are the simple figures. To draw a female body shape, you should start out with these basic shapes........"


After our long drawing session, I have two simple figures on my paper: a male and a female. They both look kind of like mutants, but Yuuri says that it's good for my first time drawing them. Meanwhile, his look like freaking supermodels. Everything about them is perfect, even the hands. The hands on my people look like crap.

He gets up and stretches, arching his back. He walks out of the room, and I follow him in silence. I look at the clock in the hallway and gasp in shock. I was so caught up in drawing that I was drawing for seven hours! I didn't even eat lunch.

Yurri shoves a granola bar into my hands. "This should hold you off until I get dinner made." I sit down on the couch, thinking about how much I love my boyfriend.

So, I really like the idea that Yuuri is really good at drawing and has a lot of secret sketches of Viktor. I may not be able to update very much in the next few weeks because I need to be at band camp from 8 to 3, so I'll be busy. Bye fam. Stay sad, but not too sad!

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