Chapter nine

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Hello hello I'm back again. Sorry I didn't update yet I got too lazy. Anyways, I have a plan for you guys to figure out what is happening at the end of this chapter. You get to know what is happening to Yuuri.

Viktor's POV

For days, Yuuri has been going out around the same time each night, coming back with more bruises, cuts, and scratches. I have been trying to follow him, but I can't keep up since he's in a car and I'm just running. So, today I plan to run home, get my car and drive it to his house. When he leaves I will run out, get in my car, and follow him.

I am on the way back to his house now, at 5:30 in the afternoon. He is usually gone at this time, so I don't have to explain why I need to go home so suddenly. I finally get to find out where Yuuri is always going at night.

I pull up next to the curb across from Yuuri's house. I look up,and see that his car still isn't here. Ah, that's good. Now I can surprise him when he gets back from where ever he is.

I stopped for groceries on the way home so I could make Yuuri a special dinner. I got all of the ingredients to make home made chocolate chip pancakes. I always love eating breakfast for dinner. I unlock the door to Yuuri's house, and step in, closing the door behind me. I set the ingredients on the counter and immediately start to make the pancakes.

A few minutes later, I hear the door open. I look up and see Yuuri walk in, a giant smile on his face. Gosh, he's so cute. I'm so lucky to have him.

"Hi, Viktor! What are you doing?" I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his torso, resting my chin on his shoulder.

"Oh, nothing much. Just making dinner for the most beautiful man in the world." He blushes and hides his face in his hands.

"V-Viktor, stop it! I'm all flustered now!" He pulls out of my group and sits down at the table.

"Hey, how do you known I wasn't talking about myself? I am quite beautiful." Out of the corner of my eye, I,see his smile turn to a frown. I walk up behind him and place a kiss on his head. "But I could never be quite as beautiful as you, my darling."

He grabs my hand and squeezes it, interlacing our fingers. I drop his hand, much to my dislike, and go over to keep making the pancakes. I finish them, and bring them to the table on a plate, bringing two extra plates with me. I set them down, and Yuuri automatically grabs the pancake on the top of the stack, puts it on his plate, and starts to devour it.

"Wow Yuuri, those pancakes must be really delicious,or your just really, really hungry." He looks up at me, and I smile at him.

"Both. I've been working put a lot today, so I'm really hungry. The pancakes are also very good." I look at him with confusion.

"Is there a particular reason you were working out today? I didn't know that you had a workout schedule." He looks away from me and rubs the back of his neck.

"Well, I don't really have a schedule or a routine, but I like to stay fit for ice skating, y'know?" He grabs another pancake and starts to eat it silently.

I turn my attention to my own pancake, cutting off a little part of it and placing it in my mouth. Vkusno!!!!! I start to eat it more quickly, not bothering to savor it. I'm surprised that I was able to cook something this good without almost burning the house down.

"Hey, Viktor. I don't have to leave for another few hours, so do you wanna watch a movie or something?" I look up at him, and he is staring down at the plate with a light blush spreading over his cheeks. I smile with a wide grin.

"I would love to, my darling." I stand up and pull Yuuri out of his chair. "Or, how about we just sit on the couch and cuddle, how about that?" He silently nods his head and I pull him over to the couch. I lay down, and pull Yuuri down on top of my. We sit here for an hour and a half, before Yuuri stands up and walks towards his bedroom.

"I'm going out a bit early today, be good while I'm gone." I rush to my bedroom, and peek out through a crack in the door. Now I just have to wait for him to leave so I can follow him. Man, that sounded a bit creepy.

I snap out of my thoughts, and I see Yuuri pull the door open and leave, closing it behind him. I rush out of my room and look out the window, watching to see him pull out of his driveway. Right after he does, I run out and start to follow him in my car.


I park my car, and get out of it, looking at the place Yuuri is parked at. It looks kind of like a barn, but through the window I saw......workout equipment? Why would Yuuri be here, and why is there workout equipment in there?

I walk up to the door, and wiggle the handle to see if its open, and surprisingly its open. I walk in, carefull to shut the door behind me. I look around, and I see Yuuri, along with a whole bunch of people I don't know, sitting in chairs set up.

"Yuuri? Are you alright? Why are you just sitting in this chair, in here with all of these other people?" He doesn't answer me, just sits there with a blank expression on his face, as if he doesn't hear me.

Suddenly, a cut appears on his arm and starts gushing blood. I look around, and it's happening to everybody else in the room, too. What the Crap is going on?!?! What's happening to everybody!?!? My gaze snaps back to Yuuri, and he now has.......bite marks?! The bite marks are black, and they have a strange, thick, black liquid oozing out of each of them. I start to feel woozy, and darkness falls over my vision as I pass out.


I wake up and squint my eyes against the bright light streaming through the cracks in my eyelids. I can faintly see a group of people standing over me, the most prominent one being Yuuri. I try to sit up, but Yuuri pushes me back down to the floor.

"Be carefull, Viktor. Your head took a pretty good hit when you fainted. You should feel lucky that you didn't get a concussion when you fell." Events of last night flood into my head, and I try to squirm away from everybody.

"Get away from me! Where is this place? Why are you all here? What was happening to you all last night? None of you were responding, and you were all getting cuts, even though you weren't doing anything." I look to Yuuri, and he looks up at a man standing behind me. I look up and see the man nod his head.

"Viktor, I'm about to tell you something crazy. You will probably think I'm insane but I'm not, I promise. I-I......." He trails off, looking away from me, but he quickly looks back and takes a deep breath.

"Me, and all of the people in this room, track and kill zombies."

Dun dun DUNNNNNN. The secret is out. Now, everybody who is surprised raise your hand. No one? Okay. What do you guys think of this story idea? I hope you like it, because I'm really excited for it. Stay sad, but not too sad!

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