Chapter Five

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Liam’s Point Of View:

I waved at the crowd from the window of the Train. ‘Lauren, Come over here’

‘I’m good here’ she replied.

She doesn’t know what she is missing out this place is huge!

‘This place is amazing!’ I said.

Suddenly we went through a dark tunnel blocking out the city from sight. We got to the station the place was packed with people.

I smiled and started waving at the people, you could see them gather round the train as it came to a stop. Most of them waved back.

‘Might as well be nice to the crowd if we want to get sponsors, Lauren’ I said turning to her.

Haymitch got up walking to his room once more.

‘No’ she replied. ‘These are the people who watch the Hunger Games for entertainment! To see us get killed!’

‘Calm down’ I said in a relaxed tone.

‘How can I? Two weeks from now, twenty three of us will be dead! One will remain! What does it matter anyway’ she got up leaving the compartment.

I sighed looking at her as she left. She can lose her temper quiet easily.

I glanced at the window once again then got up leaving the compartment, ready to go to be brought to our stylists.

Lauren’s Point Of View:

All I was dressed in was a robe. I Lay stretched out on a table while, weird looking people hovered over me. One woman had long fake eyelashes on which looked terrible, it was basically feathers on her eyes. I wasn’t going to laugh. She took a long strip of tape and put what I think was wax on my leg. Wait was she.. Before I could think about it, she placed the strip of tape and ripped it off. I bit my lip not even going to whimper.

‘I’m sorry’ the woman said apologetically ‘Just a few more’

I nodded.

She put on the wax a few more times, placed the strips on and ripped it off.

‘All done’ she said. ‘Now the underarms’

Are you fucking kidding me?! ‘Relax’ I thought to myself.

She did the underarms.

They washed me. This time I felt like protesting. I can wash myself; I don’t partially want to be naked in front of these people. It’s weird.

I dried me and I put my robe back on and I was brought to the room to where I would meet my stylist. I heard them mention a man’s name called Cinna.

I lay down on a table in the room and the door opened. A man with dark skin walked in, he wasn’t like the other people. He was natural. No coloured hair, weird clothes. He was normal.

‘You must be Cinna’ I said sitting up.

He nodded ‘And you are Lauren’

I nodded.

‘You are a brave girl Lauren, volunteering as tribute for your sister’

‘Yeah’ I didn’t really want to think about it.

‘You know why I’m here?’

‘To make me look pretty?’

‘Yes but I’m not going to go for the usual clothes district twelve wears’

‘But our district is Coal mines’

‘Yes but I want to make your district stand out, be remembered, make the crowd go wild when they see you’s’

I wasn’t sure where he was going with this, but I liked the sound of it.

‘You’re not afraid of fire are you Lauren?’

I shook my head.

‘Good, let’s get you ready’

*                                     *                                    *                                         *

We met Liam and his stylist that goes by the name of Portia out by the carriages. Oh great we were dressed the same. The carriage journey would last twenty minutes go through the city until it ends up at president Snow’s mansion.

‘Now this isn’t real fire’ Cinna said holding a flame.

This is crazy are people going to like this?

We nodded and the music began. We got into the carriage and Cinna put the flames on us. This was weird but pretty cool at the same time.

The carriages took off first district 1 followed by 2, 3, 4 and so on until it got to 12 and we took off.

As we go by in the carriage we hear chants of people ‘District twelve’

Liam grabbed my hand, I pulled my hand away ‘what are you doing?!’

‘Come on they will love it’

‘Fine’ he took my hand again, our fingers linked together. He lifted our hands up. I waved and put on a smile as I hear the crowd chant Liam and I’s name. They love us. I had the same familiar squeeze on my hand again the same one as the reaping. I looked at Liam, who looked back at me with a smile. He had a perfect smile. His pearly white teeth brought out his smile. His eyes also you would melt looking in them. A hazel colour. His Hair short, brown and spiked up.

Oh god. I think I am falling for him. No Lauren No!

*                                               *                                                    *                                                    *

Liam’s Point Of View:

‘The crowd loved you!’ Cinna said as we got back to them.

‘That’s a good thing’ Haymitch said appearing sober for once with Effie.

‘Excellent Job you too’ Effie clapped proudly. ‘Let’s get to the hotel and have some supper’

Lauren walked with Cinna. I went to Portia ‘Thanks for the advice Portia’

‘Anytime Liam’ she smiled.

We got to the hotel.

‘Every District gets their own floor and since you’s are on twelve, you get the penthouse’ Effie said as we walk out into the twelfth floor. It was huge. The top floor.

‘Dinner will be ready soon, so you’s go clean up for supper and be in the dining area in fifteen’ Haymitch.

I glanced at Lauren. She didn’t look at me she just walked to the room Effie showed her that would be hers.

I went to my room and got read for dinner.

*                                                 *                                          *                                         *

After dinner we watched the re-run of the opening ceremony before heading to bed. District 12 was the highlight of the day being talked about ‘The fire’ we were given the nicknames of Lauren the girl on fire and Liam the boy on fire.

Once the show ended. Effie jumped up ‘Okay bed time’

Okay I felt like a child being told to go to bed.

I walked with Lauren, In silence to our rooms and when I got the courage to say sometime she turned ‘Well goodnight Liam’ she said as she walked to her room.

‘Goodnight’ was all I decided say turning to the door of my room and walking in.

The Hunger Games/One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now