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I guess you could say that my timer and I are one and the same.

Every kid is given a timer on their wrist when they are born. This timer counts down the time until you come face to face with the person you are supposed to spend the rest of your life with.

Then you do cheeky bum secs or something.

Every boy is given a girl. And every girl is given a boy.

I've personally never been attracted to any girls. But...I guess that's because they aren't my soulmates. None of those other boys were my soulmates either. They had a girlfriend. They had no time for me.

People have no time for broken things.

When my watch was put on my skin, a spark happened. The doctors said that they have no idea what could've happened. They couldn't explain the spark that caused my timer to break.

Just like they couldn't explain my sixth toe.

Or how I was born without my left arm.

And don't forget my color blindness.

I shouldn't even be alive. Every part of me is horrible. Even if I had a soulmate, it's not like they would even love me any way.

I've tried to kill my self before...but my friend Lafayette saved me. Lafayette is the only person who actually likes me. Everyone else is repulsed by me. Especially my parents.

My parents knew that I was something horrible as soon as they saw me.

It didn't make anything better when they saw how my vision looked or when I was given my timer.

I actually shouldn't stay my parents. It was definitely my dad.

I've heard stories from other people that my mom was the most beautiful, kind, smart, and amazing woman you could ever meet. I wish I could've met her. I her she's also every accepting.

I hope that she would've excepted me with all of my flaws. Especially the flaw about liking boys. I really need to change that about myself.

That's what my old teacher used to tell me.

When something isn't normal, change it. Everything is supposed to have its own order, it's own place. Everything has to be perfect.

I've never been told that I was perfect though. I really what someone to tell me that.

The closest thing I get to kindness is if that old man comes near my bench that I sleep under. He would tell me funny stories, give me food and money, and he would give me comfort. I would really like it when he would bring me candy. He didn't care about my flaws, and he let me express myself to him. He was missing a leg, so he understood a little bit of my pain.

But now.....he's gone.

He's up in the beautiful place of heaven where he belongs.

I have cuts, bruises, and scars that line almost every inch of my body. The reason that I got them aren't pretty. It's because society hates me.

I don't have any money and I sleep in an alley way for comfort. I only have a stuffed turtle that the old man gave me. I named him Timmy.

I wish every day that I could die. That I could go to hell where I belong. But Lafayette won't let me. Why won't he let me. Doesn't he understand that there's no way to be happy. I'm the imperfection of this world. If there is something with flaws, something that is different, not normal....

It has to be changed.

I don't know how to change.


I walked out into the cool fresh air of the spring time morning. My hair was in a high ponytail and bobbed along with the skip on my step.

I would walk through the doors of my school and walk pass the drooling girls. I don't exactly remember their names. I think it's was Angelica, Eliza, and Maria. There is this other girl, Peggy, she's just like me. She hadn't found her soulmate.

Peggy Schuyler is one of my best friends. Besides from Hercules Mulligan and James Madison.

I may be the most popular boy in school, but that doesn't mean that my life is all sunshine and rainbows.

Everyone pretends they are my friend just so they can get popular. Then they get laid by some random person, and then they get drunk, them they forget who I am.

Peggy, Hercules, and James are just like me.

They have no soulmates, and they have the same horrible secret as me.

All four of us are attracted to the same gender that we are.

Alex- Wow, first day of school and you already have that long.
James - How long is yours?
Peggy - Mine is about 5 years.
Hercules - About 5 months.
Alex - Tonight.
James - wHAt?!
Alex - It's not a big deal.
Peggy - What the hell do you mean?! It's your soulmate!
Alex - My timer has said that it's going to be night for the past month.
Hercules - What do you mean?
Alex - My timer has been saying 8 hours and 37 minutes and 19 seconds for the past month. I think my timers probably just breaking or something.
Peggy - Alexander, timers don't just break! You have a soulmate! He's out there somewhere!
Alex - SHHHH!!!
Peggy - Oh right.
Alex - He's probably just dead or something. I should just give up.
Hercules - Alex, if your soulmate was dead then your timer would've exploded. That's what happened to my grandpa after my grandma died.
Alex - Well, maybe mines just being weird.
James - Maybe there's something just wrong with your soulmate.
Alex - Oh yeah right! What were you gonna say James? That he has a broken timer or some crap like that! You know that's not possible!
James - I guess so!!

The four of us laughed at the thought of someone having a broken timer. It's not possible for someone to be like that.

I went to sleep that night just staring at my timer. The red numbers shown on my eyes and I squinted. There was actually someone out there for me, and I'm never going to find them because somehow, something is wrong! And I'm going to do everything I can to fix this problem.

I'm going to fix whatever is broken.

You can't fix broken things.

I'm going to find my soulmate someday.

Im never going to find my soulmate.

Because he exists somewhere!

He doesn't even exist.

Love. Passion. Happiness.

Hate. Sorrow. Sadness.

We will be together!

We will broken


Broken // Lams SoulMate AU Where stories live. Discover now