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Okay but all of the girls think I'm annoying and that I'm 'not allowed to care for and hang out with the boys'. And I just wanna be like "It's fucking 2017...."

John - Can I sleep on the couch?
Alex - HELL NO YOU CAN'T!! You are sleeping in this fucking soft, warm, and comfortable bed!
John - But, this is your house. You should be able to do what you want. It really is fine, It will be better than sleeping on the street.
Alex - I'm not doing this anymore.

I whimpered when Alex picked me up bridal style and carried me up the stairs. His siblings had already fell asleep by listening to Mr. Washington play them a song on the recorder. I could tell that he was dreading every note he played.

Mr. Washington stared at us as Alex walked up the stairs without a trip. I put my head up and gave him friendly wave. He stared at the area where my other arm was supposed to be placed. I expected him to tell me to get out like everyone else tells me, but instead, he just gave me a friendly smile and waved back.

I really didn't deserve to be in such loving hands.

I just paused my music bc I needed to go to the bathroom and as soon as I did the TV said "Hamiltons son died...." and ;-;


I had dressed John in my warm turtle onesie pjs. He had said that he really liked turtles. And it's not like I cared at all. He looked absolutely fucking adorable. Seriously, I wanted to FUCK HIM.

I sat him in my bed and put the covers over him. He snuggled in with a cute little smile on his face. His smile could make even the saddest of people want to laugh. I kissed the top of his head and walked away.

Before I could barely take any steps, John grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him. He stared at me with glistening and shining eyes. They were a whole their universe that I wanted to loose myself in.

John - Stay.
Alex - Hey.
John - Hey?
Alex - Okay- it's not like I could ever say no to this.

I jumped in next to the smaller boy. I laced my arm around him. He giggled and tried to do the same to me, but the reality hit him. He couldn't do it, he sighed and stared down at himself.

I grabbed him by his waist and laid him on top of me and I used both my arms to wrap around his small figure. He turned his head and looked at me with a soft but meaningful smile. I smiled back, but was cut off when he attached his soft lips to mine. Words can't describe how much I love this feeling. I pulled the boy closer and continued what he had started.

He bit my lower lip, asking for an entrance. I pulled him away and it killed me to see the sad look that painted his face.

John - Aaaaallllleeeeexxxxxx
Alex - Maybe some other time Jacky. I'm not doing something like that tonight.
John - I just wanna make out.
Alex - Are we even dating Mr. Laurens?
John - If you want to Mr. Hamilton.
Alex - Well then lets go to sleep Mr. my new boyfriend.
John - Okay baby.

I went to sleep with my new boyfriend in my arms. Oh he looks so helpless, and his body is saying hell yes.


Peggy - Can you guys just eat your banana and stop drooling over Alex.
Eliza - But bananas make me think of him!
Peggy - Let me guess, he had a banana sized penis.
Eliza - NO!! He just, liked bananas.
Peggy - Yeah, ya know who's banana he really likes?
Angelica - Who's?
Peggy - JOHN CENA!! *cue theme*
Angelica - Who the hell is that?
Eliza - PEGGY GET OFF THE COUNTER!! And what is that horrible music you're playing?
Peggy - Sorry, I meant, JOHN LAURENS!!
Peggy - Alex's soulmate is John. John just has a broken timer.
Eliza - Well then John is my soulmate.
Peggy - Please John is gay as hell.
Eliza - Is that because gays aren't allowed in heaven?
Angelica - ELIZA!!!
Eliza - Wha?!

I rolled my eyes as my sisters screamed at each other. I grabbed my phone and saw I had a text from Alexander. These two were fighting over him, yet I know him way better than both of them do. And I'm gay as heaven! But is heaven gay? I don't know, I'll have to look into that. Let's just say I'm gay as fuck for right now. Fuck is pretty gay, right?

Alex - Hey Peggy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peggy - Wow someones excited
Alex - Well I think I would be happy if I got a bf
Peggy - sTOP
Peggy - CENA?
Alex - Ya my John is vry strong
Peggy - Awww thats so cute! My sisters are arguing over who loves u more and I'm like plz he's with da gay bean.
Alex - Lol he's my little bean.
Peggy - *gay
Alex - Yes
Peggy - Eliza said u reminded her of a banana
Alex - Why bc I have a big penis
Peggy - That's what I thought but she said that it's bc u like bananas
Alex - I do like dicks
Peggy - I like to say it
Alex - Same
Peggy - Hey Alex
Alex - Ya
Peggy - How's Johns penis
Alex - Hmm lemme see
Alex - Amazing
Peggy - *claps*
Peggy - Keep it that way when u have cheeky bum secs
Alex - Will do gtg
Peggy - Bye

Peggy - Hey guys! Guess who's dating Alexander Hamilton?!
Angelica - ME!!
Eliza - ME!!
Angelica Eliza - JOHN CENA!!
Peggy - I guess you're half right.


I stepped into the library, letting the cold air fly into my red hair. I walked through and I didn't get a minute to enjoy the library before I saw Maria Reynolds. I wonder how many guys she's fucked since the last time I've come here.

I've been wondering who that guy who helped me before was. He had been wearing a dark hoodie and sunglasses. Yet, he helped me. God, I wish he was here right now.

Maria - Well look who it is.
Maria - Why not sweetie?
Sam - Because I'm a virgin and I plan on staying one for a while.
Maria - That's no fun, keeping whatever it is you have away from everyone. Just show it to me Sammy.
James - Maria get away from him! He already told you no!
Maria - Make me Madison?
James - LEE!!

From the back room, out walked Charles Lee. Oh god, he stared wide eyed at me and Maria. I looked down at my red string, praying he could help. It's not like I've been anything good to him, I wouldn't blame him if he just let me be dragged away be her.

But he didn't.

Instead he kept over the counter and pushed me away. He stood up to Maria and grabbed her shoulders. She kicked him in the dick and he winced from it. He fell down dragging Maria down with him. She screamed, as her hair had been messed up and her red sundress was getting dirty on the floor.

Charles grabbed my hand and ran out of the library, me still at his side. He turned back around to me and sighed. Charles must work here along with James and Maria. I feel horrible that he has to put up with her everyday.

Sam - Th-thank you.
Charles - Don't mention it. My shift was almost over anyway. Hey, you, you wanna come back to my place?
Sam - I guess. It's not like I'm gonna wanna go to the library after that happened.
Charles - Cmon pumpkin!

You could almost smell my blush.

Broken // Lams SoulMate AU Where stories live. Discover now