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I woke up when I heard a loud pound on my door. I sprinted my eye and looked around my dark bedroom. My eyes widened when I saw a sleeping John in my arms. He looked so innocent lying there. I realized I was staring when I heard screaming at the door now. I jumped out of bed and kissed Johns head before I slid down the railing.

I opened the door and saw an outraged Eliza standing at the door. She had a light blue nightgown on with a dark ponytail that came out of the back of her head.

Alex - Hey Eliza!
Eliza - Oh don't "Hey Eliza!" Me!!
Alex - What?
Alex - John?
Eliza - No, that bottle of ketchup on your counter. OF COARSE I MEANT JOHN!!!
Alex - I didn't steal him at all! He is MY soulmate!
Eliza - So we both got John as our soulmate? Yeah right!
Alex - Eliza! John doesn't have a timer! Well, he does, but it's broken.
Eliza - Broken?

I explained to Eliza on Johns story and what had happened to him. I knew that John was my soulmate, but by law, I had to date Eliza. I've known that Eliza's had a crush on me for a while now. Don't get me wrong, I love Eliza, but not in that way.

Eliza looked horrible, and I know that she didn't know what had happened. It wasn't long after, that we saw John come strolling down the stairs. I got up and hugged him tightly. John was someone that needed to be protected at all costs. John seemed surprised by my sudden action, but hugged me back with a one armed hug.

John - Oh...um....hi.
Eliza - Hey John. I'm Eliza.
John - Oh hi! I like your yellow dress.
Eliza - Oh....it's blue...
John - Oh...sorry. I've been colorblind at birth.
Eliza - Alex told me. And...I think that he has something to tell you. I'll see you two later.

Eliza kissed my cheek as she walked out the door. I hung my head down, knowing that she didn't know that I was gay. I looked back up at John and giggled at his sightly mad face expression.

John - What do you need to tell me?
Alex - Eliza and I are both your soulmates. You have two because of your broken timer. So, by law, Eliza and I are supposed to be together.
John - Wha....
Alex - I...I'm sorry John. I know that you won't be that sad since you didn't even want me as a soulmate in the first place.

I stared back up at John to see a hurt expression painted on him. He glared at me and ran toward as the door. He quickly slammed it shut as he ran out of the door at full speed.

Alex - JOHN STOP!!!!

I raced after John but he had already disappeared in the cold winter morning. I sighed to myself as I slammed my had into the snow. I had promised him that I would help him and protect him, and now look what I've done.

Thomas - What'd I miss?
Alex - Huh? Oh, hey Thomas.
Thomas - What's up?
Alex - The sky.
Thomas - Oh we be a real comedian over here, I'm serious though. There was some guy on the street who was screaming your name.
Alex - JOHN!!!
Thomas - He seemed pretty upset with you. I wouldn't blame him, you're the kind f guy who always pisses everybody off.
Alex - By everybody, you mean yourself.
Thomas - Whatever.
Alex - I need to find him!
Thomas - Alex, sit down.
Alex - You can't tell me what to do!
Thomas - I've learned from experience, when people are sad, they want to be alone. My parents always wanted me to eat all of my problems out, but sometimes, people just need to be left alone in their thoughts and calm down themselves. You are the person he's having a problem with. It's not gonna make him feel any better if his problem keeps running after him.
Alex - That's...that's actually pretty smart!
Thomas - Everything I say is genius.
Alex - Fuck you Thomas.
Thomas - Yeah, fuck me gently with a chainsaw.

Broken // Lams SoulMate AU Where stories live. Discover now