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Lafayette - He-Hey Baby!
Hercules - Lafayette, what's going on? What are you wearing?
Lafayette - IM SORRY OKAY!! I WANTED TO PRANK MY SISTER BY WEARING HER CLOTHES BUT I ACTUALLY LIKE HOW I LOOK!!! I know it's not normal for boys to wear dresses, so I don't know why I enjoy this.
Hercules - Laf, you can wear whatever you want. You're beautiful, no matter what you decided to wear you will always be. And anyone who tells you otherwise, they're completely blind.
Lafayette - Th-thanks baby. You're the best!
Hercules - Hey, how bout we go to school. You can wear whatever you want. And we'll teach Alex how to sing in French. Sounds good?
Lafayette - LETS GO!!!


I walked through the halls and scanned the area around me. John was able to participate as a student for the rest of the year, so he was given his own locker. I didn't know which was his though, that's why I came to school early.

My eyes landed on a bright green sticker that stuck on the front of a grey locker. I walked up to it, and saw the green shape was in the shape of a cute little turtle. Yep, this was definitely Johns locker.

I grabbed the new the note out of my pocket and examined it for about the thousandth time this morning.

Seeing you makes my day,
And destroys the clouds of grey.
You make me proud to be gay.
And proud to say,
That someday, you'll blow us all away.

xox Your secret admirer ;)

It sounds so cheesy and like the whole time I was just trying to find words that rhyme. Is xox to much?! He'll hate the winky face! Shit!! I should've never taken advice from that guy!

I felt a force grab the back of my hand and push the letter in by force. I turned around to see the one and only Peggy Schuyler smirking at me. She had shaved my hand closer to the locker, so that the note was floating right above the hole in his locker.

Peggy - Drop it Alex.

I did as Peggy said and sighed as I let the note float to the bottom of Johns locker. I slammed my head against the locker and groaned. Why did I ever decided to do this. He'll just think I'm a creepy stalker!

Peggy - Sending love notes to John huh?
Alex - We've been through a lot Peggy.
Peggy - I can tell by the red string. Let me guess, you're doing the whole 'secret admirer thing'?
Alex - N-no!
Peggy - Alex.
Alex - Okay yes! But, he'll think I'm creepy! What kind of person does this?!
Peggy - You apparently.
Alex - Don't remind me.
Peggy - Johns gonna love it. He's a cheesy type of guy. Maybe he'll think it's weird at first. But, as long as you don't sound like someone who stalks him when he sleeps and looks at his penis or some crap-
Alex - PEGGY!!!
Peggy - Okay okay! Just don't sound too obsessed and maybe he'll write back.
Alex - Thanks Peggy. I should be heading to class anyway.
Peggy - Tell me what he thinks!
Alex - Got it!

The day went on for what felt like forever. I got multiple texts from my siblings. Johnny asked how Johns penis was and I just rolled my eyes and told him that it was better than ever.

My siblings have been staying at my grandmas for a while, but they're finally coming back. It was supposed to just be me who was staying with the Washingtons, but since Lin was the oldest out of the others, he came back first. Hopefully those little monsters can annoy the shit out of him again.

I sat in my desk, waiting for class to start. Mr. Washington was teaching this class. I've always thought that having your dad as your teacher would be really embarrassing and awkward, but really, it isn't. He sees me as his gay student at school, and his gay son at home.

My head bobbed up when I saw John walked in with a skip in his step. I watched him sit down and pull a note out of his pocket. He poked it and smiled at it. I swear I even saw him blush. I stood up and made an excuse to get a paper. As I walked over, I saw that it had my exact handwriting on it.

He had found my note, and he didn't think I was an obsessed and creepy stalker!

Alex - YAY!!!!

All attention turned on me. I awkwardly laughed and slid back to my desk. Angelica was sat next to m. She gave me a light smirk and nudged me.

Angelica - What's got you so happy today?
Alex - So, ya know my soulmate.
Angelica - Eliza?
Alex - NO!!!
Angelica - I'm just kidding! It's kind of creepy. She still hasn't gotten over you yet, and even though I love my sister more than anything in this life, she can be a little annoying sometimes.
Alex - Fuck me gently with a chainsaw.
Thomas - WILL DO!!!

Angelica - So....about John?
Alex - Oh yeah. So basically, I gave him a note and told him that I was his secret admirer. I put it in his locker, and I think he found it!

Angelica gazed over at the blushing boy. He sat next to Hercules, and the two looked like they were in their own little fangirl world. They were bouncing up and down and quietly screaming and flailing their hands in the air.

As class went on, I just kept my eyes glued to two things. John Laurens, and my notebook. I watched John as he stared out the window in a little daydream. I wonder what's going on in that beautiful mind.

I used class time to doodle in my notebook. I had always been a pretty smart kid, so I already knew most of the things that my dad was teaching. I drew a little boy with long curly hair. He had little freckles that lined his face. He looked like a little John. I made him the size of a child and sat him at a piano.

John - That's pretty good Alex.

I slammed my notebook shut and looked up at John. He was leaning over to my desk and had been staring at my drawings. Who knows how long he had been looking at me?!

Alex - Oh, um, thanks.

I heard the bell ring and I quickly dashed off to study hall. I was going to meet Hercules and Lafayette in the music room to practice singing and learning French. I had spent hours last night looking over songs that I could sing. I finally realized that the bets type of song, would be my own.

I walked into the music room and was greeted by Hercules and Lafayette. Lafayette was dressed in a small skirt. I would've questioned him about it, but I've always had a hunch that Lafayette would be the type of guy who would someday like to wear skirts.

Lafayette - So, what song were you thinking of?
Alex - I was doodling on my notebook last night, trying to think of a good song. That's when it hit me! I should just write my own song! I call it 'Helpless'. I made up all of the lyrics!
Hercules - That sounds amazing! Where did you write the lyrics down?!
Alex - I have it in my notebook! Let me find it.

I searched through my backpack, but I couldn't find the blue notebook that I would carry around everywhere. I threw everything out of my backpack and I started to panic. It definitely wasn't here, and wherever it was, someone could easily take it!

Lafayette - Mon ami! What's wrong?
Alex - I lost it! I don't know where it is!!
Hercules - Calm down, who had it last?


"Oh shit. This would make a really good fanfiction mon ami!"

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