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Adorable pic above

Friend - How do you have so many followers on Instagram and Wattpad? I barely have any!
Me - Well it's this little thing called amazing people who love gays.

One last chapter guys! UGH! I LOVE THIS FANFIC!! This is one of the few that I'm actually very happy with!

"Hi, my names Evan Hansen. I wouldn't say that John and I were the closest of friends, but I know that he appreciated my forest expertise. I don't know much about him, but I know that he was a very kind man. He always tried to keep on a smile, but he was hurt on the inside. And I've gone trough that feeling before, I've wanted to do the same thing, so has my boyfriend, and I assume that a few of us here have. But no one deserves to disappear, because you will be found. And I know that John is smiling down from heaven, wishing us the best for the rest of our days."

Everyone smiled at the kind words the young boy had to share. A certain boy on the other side of the room from me stood up and cheered for him. Evan turned bright red at the sight. The long haired boy looked around and noticed that he was at a funeral. He sat down in a bright red color, followed by his boyfriend of the exact same state.

I was one of the main organisers of the funereal. They offered me an open casket, but I politely declined. John wouldn't have wanted people staring at him after he had committed suicide. I wanted to honour his wishes.

I hopped in Ram Sweenys car as quick as I could. It was raining hard outside, like the sky was crying its eyes out. Now I guess it finally understands how I feel. Ram had offered to drive me to the graveyard. I saw Ram in the drivers seat and his best friend Kurt Kelly in the backseat by me. They both wore fancy dark suits that matched each other in a way, classic Kurt and Ram.

Ram - How you feeling Alex?
Alex - I'm, I'm fine.
Kurt - It's okay to be sad Alex, were here for you.
Alex - It's my boyfriends funeral! Of coarse I'm not fucking okay!

I placed my head on Kurts shoulder, he stroked my hair and whispered soothing words to me. I opened my eyes and saw a hint of jealousy flash in Rams eyes. He was born into the most homophobic family. He tried to hide that he was gay, but I knew since day one that it was killing him inside to hide his feelings for the boy sat next to me.

Ram continued to drive for a few minutes in silence. He stopped, and opened up the door for me. I brought my hands to my face as I saw the beautifully decorated area. There was a giant bouquet of flowers resting on top of the grave, it was just as he would've wanted it.

I looked around. Everyone was here. Everyone mentioned in Johns will. All of my friends from Westerburg high. Johns extended family and friends. And the friends and family of Evan Hansen and Connor Murphy. They all had their heads down but turned their attention directed to the ground. As soon as I walked in, all eyes directed towards me.

Oh crap Laurens Interlude why now

I sighed as I walked up next to the coffin. I looked towards Lafayette who gave me a soft smile, reminding me that I would do great.

Alex - For mine and Johns relationship, I had planned on writing him a song and singing it to him at The Winters Ball. It was going to be a song called Helpless that I wrote and I was going to sing in French, but today, I'll just sing it in English for all of you. Unfortunately, the day never came. I finally finished it, so I think this would be the best way to say goodbye.

Broken // Lams SoulMate AU Where stories live. Discover now