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Sam - John....JOHN!!! JOHN WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!
John - huh?!

My eyes opened and I was faced with the sight of that same blue haired boy again. I looked around at my surroundings. I was still in the same black tree house. The same horrible black tree house.

John - Where's Charles?
Sam - What do you mean? Charles is coming here! He's the one we're trying to avoid!
John - But he was here! So was Alex!
Sam - John, you told me to come up here, to hide from him. But as soon as you saw these two names, you just fainted.
John - So...Charles isn't here? Neither is Alex?
Sam - Thank God they aren't.

I peered up at the two names that were still carved into the wall. I didn't have the strength to look at it. And no one can ever know why.

John - Listen Sam...I think...I think I'm gonna go. I'm getting a headache, and I just need to sleep.
Sam - Oh okay. See you around John!
John - Definitely!

I got down from the treehouse, ready to go home and pray that I could just die already. But...apparently the universe hates me too much to let my prayers come true.

The Lauren's interlude just came on I'm crying


Eliza - Cmon Lexi!
Alex - Eliza don't fucking call me that!
Eliza - Cmon...you know you want me....
Alex - John was mine first! That means he's my soulmate! You're just messed up!
Eliza - Awwee you gave me a nickname that's so cute.
Alex - I gave you a stupid nickname. Just like you.
Eliza - IM NOT GAY!! 
Alex - I meant you were stupid.
Eliza - I may be stupid but I'm also dumb!
Alex - Hell yeah you are.

Eliza rolled her eyes and slammed her lips onto mine. I tried to break out but he's held onto me. Her kiss was forceful and rough. No true love, time, or passion was put into it. She just grabbed the back of my head and stuck her tongue in my mouth.

Her kiss was nothing like my ex boyfriend Jonathan. Or my other ex boyfriend Anthony. Or Oak, Daveed, Javier, and Thayne! I'm a real mans man you could say.

I heard the door slowly creek open as I was thinking. I stared wide eyed as John stared at me. I pushed Eliza off me and saw that his expression had changed. He didn't look sad or mad. He just looked...disappointed. And his look sent so much guilt through me. How is he able to do that with just a single glare?

I ran out to him and grabbed the back of his head and kissed him right there. God, it felt so good. His lips were soft and he didn't force his tongue into my mouth. Then again, he didn't even care. John pushed me away and gave me a glare that held so much disappointment and rage in his eyes.

Alex - Well it's definitely rainbows.
John - Now's not the time for your stupid puns!

Hercules stood behind John as he continued to scream at me. I could see that he was about to open his mouth to talk. I signed that we could talk later because now definitely wasn't the time. He signed an okay back.

How's the time that I'm happy we both know sign language. Hercules sister is deaf and he had called me over to help him learn it so that he could communicate wth her. I only knew it because my grandma would always pass it down to her relatives.

Also I was bored on the internet one time.


I walked to school alone. I watched as other soulmates hurried into the school with their hands interlocked. I could recognize James Madison and Jefferson walking across the street. Madison wore a simple grey t shirt and jeans while Jefferson wore bright pink and purple. He looked like a gay demon just walking down the road.

I'll admit it, I definitely get jealous of these people. Especially now, knowing that I can be like that because I HAVE a soulmate. But he hates my guts and probably doesn't even want to talk to me.

Angelica - SAM!!!

I turned around as my friend Angelica came walking down next to me. We've both been talking a little ever since we talked outside the store that one day. Angelica was somebody who I could pour my problems out to. Even better, she understood what I was going through. She was able to comfort me and gave me advice in ways that other people can't.

I saw a boy sitting in the street a few feet away from me. I walked up to him, and I nicked right away who he was.

Sam - John?
John - Huh?! Oh...hey Sam.
Sam - What are you doing here?
John - What do you think?! I don't have a home! I'm not bale to go to school like everyone else!
Sam - John! Why didn't you tell me! I could've helped you!
John - I'm fine.
Angelica - You're the opposite of fine! Here, you can come oath us to school. Atleast try to get shelter for a little bit. By the looks of the dark clouds, it's gonna rain soon.
John - Fine, but just for a little bit.

The three f us walked through the school doors. I soon realized that it might've been a bad idea bringing John in here.

Alexander stood in the middle of the room and he was surrounded by girls. Girls everywhere. I saw Angelica blush a bit at the sight of Alexander. Are you kidding me? First Eliza and now Angelica. Please tell me Peggy hasn't fallen for him too. Hey....speaking her...

Where's Peggy?

I kind of forgot about her.

John - Thanks for the offer Sam, but I think I'm gonna go.
Alex - JOHN WAIT!!


I stared into his red eyes and I remembered seeing the same red eyes. They looked almost exactly alike....so that must mean that both stories will have the same ending.

John Laurens

The name of the baby boy who only seconds ago, had come into existence.

One of the doctors children, Lin, had come into work with his father for 'take your kid to work day.'

Lins dad had done the process but had Lin look away. He didn't want his three year old seeing this.

Lin waddled over to the crying baby. He and freckles the lined his face and you could see them even with his angry face.

Nurses and doctors were rushing to get the boys timer

Nurse - Doctor, which one is it? Maria, Peggy, Angelica, or Alex.

Doctor - Maria and Eliza sound like stupid names.
Nurse 2 - Umm doctor. We've just had two more births.
Doctor - Names.
Nurse 2 - Alexander Hamilton and Eliza Schuyler.
Doctor - Related?
Nurse 2 - No.
Doctor - Give Alex Johns. We'll figure Eliza our later.

Turns out Lin and Alexander were siblings. My body saw Lin and saw him as Alexander. Your body knows who your soulmate is even before you get your timer. Then it happened.

They tried to cover it up.

But no body could change the mistake that had been made.

Broken // Lams SoulMate AU Where stories live. Discover now