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Adorable pic above and long authors note.

Okay but I'm serious if you haven't listened to Be More Chill then binge to it right now. Because Jeremy is my son, Michael is a gay smol bean, and squip is my dad. And Rich SET A FIRE AND HE BURNED DOWN THE HOUSE. Jake is the most perfect being alive. Christine is to be protected by all. Brooke is just...Brooke is all I need.

Also Boyf, richjake, pink berry. It's all real

You all probably get who's writing the story now!

And yes, Lafayette is still wearing a skirt and we still love him.

Also, random question? Would Charles of Sam be top? I can't decide. NOT THAT IM HINTING SOMETHING OR ANYTHING.

Also, for Fourth of July ima do a Hamilton oneshot (obviously) with deaf Laurens and hearing Alex. Sounds good?! Bc I rly wanna do a deaf oneshot.


Burr - Thomas stop fucking swearing!
Burr - James!
Thomas - James!
Alex - James!
John - James!
Lafayette - James!
Hercules - James!
Peggy - James!
Eliza - James!
Angelica - James!

Beep beep beep

Thomas - JAMES!!!
James - Wha?!
Thomas - You looked like you were having a pretty bad nightmare. You okay?

I looked around me. It was, it was my room. I was alive and I was still here. My alarm clock was beeping. I looked to my side. There sat Thomas Jefferson, snuggled up in my covers, staring me through the darkness. I sighed and slammed my head back on the pillow.

James - Thomas?
Thomas - Yeah.
James - I never wanna go to sleep again.
Thomas - You have to, you can't live without sleep.
James - I am still alive, right?
Thomas - Yeah, why would you ask?
James - Oh, nothing.


Charles opened the door for me as I walked inside his house. It was a massive sized house. I wonder where his parents had all the money to get this. I followed Charles through the kitchen where a man and a woman sat at the table. I assumed they were his parents.

They must've been busy since they were screaming into their phones. I could see Charles glance over at them and shake his head. He grabbed a soda from the fridge and threw me the other. He passed me and motioned for me to follow him up the stairs. I honestly feel horrible. His parents didn't even see he was home or even see that he brought a boy home with him. I was hoping they would comment on how we were soulmates by seeing our red string.

Sam - Nice room.
Charles - Thanks, it's really nothing special.

I was standing in Charles bedroom, as he and invited me. The word pumpkin was still floating in my mind. Had he called me it because of my pumpkin coloured hair, or, is it something taken more than that.

I decided to think about it later and admire the room around me. The walls were littered with pictures. Things that ranged cartoons, to musicals, to movies. I wonder where he got all of these.

Sam - These are amazing! Where did you get them?
Charles - Oh! Those? I- I drew them.
Sam - WHAT?!
Charles - I know, it's trash. But I guess drawing is something special to me.
Sam - No wonder! You're amazing at it!
Charles - Thanks, you're the first person who's ever said that to me.
Sam - Don't your parents like them.
Charles - Well they've never said anything.
Sam - Oh.
Charles - Ya wanna do something?
Sam - I guess. What are you suggesting?
Charles - I have a really big underground pool outback.
Sam - I guess.

Charles grabbed my hand and ran down stairs, out the door, and into his backyard. He was right in saying that his pool was big. It looked like some fancy hotel pool. If I didn't know any better, I would say that Charles house was the Schuyler mansion.

Sam - Shoot, I don't have any swim shorts.
Charles - Then skinny dip.
Sam - WHAT?!
Charles - Ya know, swim naked.
Sam - I know what it is, I'm just-
Charles - You can borrow mine if you want.
Sam - No.
Charles - What?
Sam - I wan-wanna do it.
Charles - Oh, ha, if you want to.

I stepped out of my clothes and let the cool air fly by my body. I walked over to the pool and stared at my naked reflection in the water.

Charles - Wow.
Sam - See something you like.
Charles - Hell yes.

Charles smirked and tried to walk over to me. I jumped backwards into the pool before he could grab me. I made a giant splash that was followed by another splash. I turned around and expected to see Charles. I scanned the pool area and called out for Charles. I was about to scream his name when I felt something grab my legs and pull me under.

Sam - Your horrible.
Charles - And your sexy pumpkin.


Alex - Tant que je suis en vie john, je jure à dieu que vous ne vous sentirez jamais si impuissants!
Alex - You really think so?!
Hercules - John is gonna love it!
Lafayette - One more time from the top?
Alex - Sure!
Angelica - Hey guys!
Hercules - Oh hi Angelica! What're you doing here?
Angelica - Well I wanna see what all the noise is over here.
Alex - So basically, for the winters ball, I wanna sing John a song. I'm gonna sing it in French, yes, he's very good at French. And I know that you're really good at it to, can you tell me if this is good?
Angelica - I bet it will be! Go ahead!

I passed by the music hallway on my way home. I was still trying to map out the school and I thought it would be good to go different ways. I heard gentle music coming from around the corner. I followed the sound and peaked my head around the door. The people inside couldn't seem to see me.

I could see Lafayette and Hercules sitting at the table in there. Angelica was standing up and looking down at Alexander who was playing the piano. I didn't know he oculus play so well. And his voice, it was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard. I assumed he was singing to Angelica since he was sitting right in front of her. If this that secret stuff that Alex refuses to tell me? Why does Angelica get a song from my boyfriend?  That's when I realised, Alexander was singing in French. I listened to what he sang and translated it through my head.

Tu m'as empêché. Regardez dans vos yeux et les cieux la limite, je suis impuissant. Bas pour le compte et je me noie.

Ya got me helpless. Look into your eyes and the skies the limit, I'm helpless. Down for the count and I'm drowning in em.

Fuck fuck fuck

I felt my head dropped as I turned and ran out the door.

Why is it always me who's heart has to be broken?

Broken // Lams SoulMate AU Where stories live. Discover now