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The adorable picture above makes me wanna die.

Alex - John....
John - So...he already told you, didn't he.
Alex - Talk to us Johnny.
Angelica - Were here for you buddy.
Eliza - It'll be okay.
Peggy - We won't let you get hurt.
John - Okay....My parents were complete assholes. When they found out that my timer was shattered, they barely even wanted me anymore. The final straw was when they found out that my soulmate was probably going to be a boy. They couldn't have some gay boy in their house, my siblings would probably catch my 'gayness'. So I lived out on the street my whole life since I didn't have any money!

Alex stood up with an angry look on his face and tears running down his cheeks. He told Peggy to watch Phillip while he takes care of something. I walked up to him and grabbed his arm to pull him back.

John - Alex, I'm not gonna let you talk to my parents. They're complete assholes!
Alex - Then why the fuck would they come to my house if they didn't want to see you!
John - They don't! They didn't even know I was there! They just want shelter from the storm!
Alex - It's gonna be okay John, I'm gonna make it okay. Stay with Eliza and Angelica. I'll be back soon, I promise.

Alex kissed the top of my head and ran out of the door, closing it with a bang. This is not how I thought this night would go. I just wanted to cuddle Alex in my arms and tell him it's gonna be okay. There's been a storm before and I could tell that he was somewhat scared of it. It was adorable. I wish he would just tell me why he's scared though, he never told me that.


I regretted going outside as soon as I shut the door. What was I thinking, going out into this horrible storm when I know that I'm terrified of storms. I took a deep breathe and told myself that this was for John, I had to do it for John. I took a running start and sped as fast as I could, back to my house. I soon got under the garage roof of my house. I wasn't struck by lightning. I was till alive. That means that I can pull out my sassy side. ;)

I unlocked the door and pushed myself into the house. I was faced with Johns parents sitting on the couch, and my parents who were sitting on the opposite side of the room. I could tell that they were shocked to see me and that I probably interrupted a conversation that they were having. But it's not like I give a shit about it.

Johnny - ALEX!!!
Alex - Hey kiddo.
Johnny - They're saying mean stuff about penis Alex!
Alex - Oh god, you might wanna go in the other room Johnny.
Johnny - No thank you. This sounds like it's gonna get interesting! I wanna watch.

I laughed at my little brother and stared at Johns parents. They were really a spitting image of him. But they were definitely the type of parents who would want to spit ON him.

Alex - So let me get the straight, actually, no, let me get this gay! Because that's what your son is, and if you chat accept that, then you might even be a more cruel person then Thomas Jefferson!
Johnny - Ooooooohhhhhh!!!
Henry - John-
Alex - Your son.
Henry - He's not my son.

Okay, that's it.
No more Mr.Nice Guy Ham.

Alex - You should know that your son is a fucking blessing to the world! You don't deserve any of him!
Henry - He is gay! He has six toes! He is colorblind! He has a broken timer! What else couldn't be wrong about him!
Alex - So....I-I'm-

I peered behind the corner and I could see Lin standing there. He was holding out the money that I and given him. I could see him mouth the words 'Do it' to me. I never like to take advice from him, but I knew that he was right.

Alex - IM GAY!! IM TRANSGENDER!! That doesn't make me wrong! It just makes me unique, special. And that's what your son is. All he wants is love becoause he's never gotten it. I was the first person who he's ever really loved! And that's something that I wouldn't trade for the world. Why can't you just be the type of dad who feels the same way I do?!

The room was silent. I never wanted to tell anyone else that I was transgender, but I had just screamed it in front of my boyfriends parents. I was stuck in a mess. And I didn't know how to get out of it.

Henry - Give him back to me. Give them both back! I'll make them both straight and strong men!
Martha - No.
Henry - What?
Martha - John was born gay! Alex is who he loves and who he wants to love. And you can't change any of that.
George - I think it's time you left Mr.Laurens.
Henry - You think you can just keep me away from him like that?! I'll show yo-
Alex - GUYS!!

Hercules and Lafayette slammed through the door. Hercules gave Johns dad a good punch in the face, leaving him un able to see for a few seconds. Lafayette held his foot out and let him fall over his leg and back down to the floor.

Fuck Sincerely, Me just came on. Sorry but I gotta do it.

Lafayette grabbed my arm and pulled Hercules behind him. He screamed like mad as he ran at full speed down the side walk. I turned my attention to two figures standing a few feet ahead of us.

Alex - EVAN!!! BAR GUY!!
Evan - HI ALEX!!
Connor - My name is Connor. You know I definitely helped you win over your boyfriend.
Alex - I guess! But if I didn't invite Evan with me, you wouldn't have your boyfriend!
Evan - I mean- we act a lot like it not like we should be boyfriends I'm just saying that we kind of act like we are but that doesn't mean we are I know you don't like me that way and it's weird just I'm sorry it's not because we're gay the only man I love is my dad and I know you don't relate but I don't think I do I didn't mean it never mind um I stepped on a rock and hurt my foot!
Connor - Evan stop being cute, I mean stop doing that, I um, FUCK!
Alex - Well while you guys have your little blush fest over here, I'm gonna go to my boyfriend. See ya at school!
Connor - YOU'RE WELCOME!!!
Evan - BYE BYE!!!
Connor - Evan, didn't I tell you to stop being adorable?
Evan - I- I'm sorry!
Connor - Don't be sorry! I'm just messing with you ya little smol bean.
Evan - Okay sorry.
Connor - You apologise a lot.
Evan - Sorry Connor!

Lafayette continued to pull me and Hercules behind him all the way to the Schuyler house. The three of us bolted into the house to get out of the storm. Eliza saw me and screamed to everyone that I was here. Angelica, John, and Peggy with Phillip in her arms ran in to see me. John smiled and engulfed me in a hug. I wish I could just stay like this with him forever.


Broken // Lams SoulMate AU Where stories live. Discover now