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I've been waiting so long for this moment so let's finish this! I don't know if ur all gonna love me or hate me but HERE WE GO! Also, good predicting in the last chapter @KatelynDragon-Heart ;)

This is the last chapter! I will be doing a character Q and A after this bc I just think it will be fun and you guys seem like u rly like it.

I've gotten so many supportive and loving comments and messages about this story. I'm so proud of the more than any of my other stories. Thank you so much. <3

Say Happy Christmas to @artsegamer23 bc I'm dedicating this to u :)


Lin - What do you want?!

I ran into the kitchen to see John standing in the Schuyler kitchen. He getting all of the food ready for when everybody arrived. My mom and dad were setting the table while Alex was upstairs. Angelica and Eliza were helping him, while Peggy was taking care of little Phillip.

Martha - You've been spending so much time on your IPad Lin, cmon and sit down at the table.
Lin - Are the Heathers comin?
Martha - Everyone's coming Lin.
Lin - WHOOP!!

We were inviting everyone over for Johns birthday. Alex had told me that he has a very special surprise for his boyfriend. Maybe he's gonna finally tell him that he's transgender. I've been waiting forever. Maybe with all the people, it's gonna be a good time of coming out for him.

The people starting pouring in. I saw the Heathers walk in like they owned the place, followed by their friend Veronica and her boyfriend JD. Ram bounced into the house with Martha Dunnstock at his side. Dang it Ram! I put you and Kurt together in my fanfiction!

Lin - You guys going as a date!
Ram - No! Right Kurt! Kurt? MARTHA?! What the hell are you doing here?!
Martha D - Umm, I was going to find Veronica! Sorry!

Lin - Well, its unlike Ram Sweeney to come to a party without a date.
Kurt - Good thing he's never done that before!

Kurt had walked in and flung his arm over Rams shoulder. Ram turned bright red and laughed along with his friend. I wasn't lying when I said that Ram was raised in a very homophobic family. It was obvious that he had the biggest crush. I just had to get him to say it.

Lin - Soo, who's the lucky girl?
Ram - Well, I, we, I-
Kurt - That'd be me Manuel
Ram - KUR-

Ram was cut off by Kurt grabbing his face and pulling him into a kiss. I smiled at the two, looks like they'll need to get a room soon. I left the two to their make out session and walked over to the others.

Lin - Hey guys!
Evan - Hi Lin! You look exactly like Alex! I- I mean, not to be rude! I-I don't wan-want you to think that's he-he's better than you.
Connor - Evan, it's okay baby.
Evan - Sorry!
Lin - No prob dude. I've been told that a lot.
Jared - Yeah, Alex is pretty gay isn't he!
Evan - Jared!
Connor - Fucking.
Jared - What?

HC - Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw!
HM - Hey Linnamon roll!
Lin - Yo Heathers!
HD - Yo girl!
HC - Shut up Heather!
HD - Sorry Heather!

I rolled my eyes and ran towards a familiar looking black coat and red hoodie.

Lin - Hey guys!
JD - Greetings and Salutations.
Veronica  - Thanks for inviting us!
Michael - Yeah, it's so good to catch up with everyone!
Jeremy - Are Ram and Kurt gay yet?
Lin - Please, weren't they always gay?
Jeremy - Jason...
JD - Ugh.

Broken // Lams SoulMate AU Where stories live. Discover now