4. Cute Couples

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 Jade’s POV


“Daryl”, I called out to him. “Yeah Jade?” he replied. “We’re running low on supplies. Judith is running out of baby formula. Rick told me to tell you that him, Glenn and Maggie are going on a run and if you wanted to come with. They need all the help they can get”, I said. “Yep. Tell Rick I’ll be there in a minute”, he replied. I nodded before going back to Rick. “Daryl’ be there in a minute”. Lately there had been nothing for me to do other than kill walkers with a knife or crowbar. They tend to pile up on the outsides of the fence. It’s quite irritating.

I sat on the steps that lead up the second floor of Cell Block C. I was watching Beth sing sweet songs to Judith. She started to sing Your Song by Elton John. “And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple but now that it’s done”, she sang.
“I hope you don’t mind, I hope you don’t mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is will you’re in the words”, I sang with her. She gave me a smile. “That was very lovely”, a voice said from behind us. I looked around to see Carol. “Thank you”, I replied. “Jade, Carl told me he wanted to talk to you”, she said before taking Judith from Beth. I nodded before walking off to the pavement outside where I saw Carl.

“Hey Carl”, I greeted, “You wanted to talk to me?”
“Yeah”, he replied, “You know the other night?” “Yeah, the one where you got drunk?” I asked with a slight smirk. “Yes. Well I meant what I said”, he said. “You said lots of things. One of them was that you like Pina coladas and getting caught in the rain”, I said. “I did?” he asked. “Yeah, you sang the whole song… well, slurred”, I replied, “But you were saying?”
“Ah yeah, well I said that you were pretty-” I corrected him by saying “reeeeeeeealllllllllllly pretty”. He laughed at me before replying, “Yes, reeeeeeeealllllllllllly pretty. I really like you. I liked you even before the world turned to shit. Jade, you’re amazing. You give light upon this dark and monstrous world”, he said shyly yet with emphasis. “Well, I think that you’re very handsome… actually hot. I thought that I had absolutely no one and then you of all people found me. I’ve been quite thankful for that. You’ve been there when I’ve needed someone and I think that is amazing. I really like you too”, I replied. I knew how cheesy this was. It was like something that would happen in a chick flick minus the zombie apocalypse. I looked into his amazingly blue eyes that you could easily get lost into. I mean, I had blue eyes as well but his eyes were a brighter tone that stood out so gorgeously.

After staring into each other’s eyes for about a minute he broke the silence.  “Jade, will you be my girlfriend?” he asked quite confidently. “Hmmm... no”, his face suddenly dropped. “Just joking, I would love to be your girlfriend”, I said with a cheeky grin as I lightly punched his arm. “You’re such a little tricker”, he said before I got up and ran away cheekily. “I’m gonna get you for that”, he yelled as he chased me. “Never, I replied as I leaped in the air elegantly.  I hid around a corner and peaked out to see no one there. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms around my waist. “Got you”, he whispered into my ear. I giggled. “You’re so cute when you laugh”, he said. My cheeks blushed as my head immediately tilted to the ground the cover my face. “Did I make you blush?” he asked with a smirk. “No”, I said with a bright red face. “You’re such a terrible liar. You’re blushing right now”, he replied. “No I’m not. You’re just imagining things”, I tried to persuade him but it obviously didn’t work. Suddenly I heard the engines of a car and a motorbike. “Looks like you’re dad’s back”, I said as I ran with Carl to the gate to open it.

 I followed Carl, Daryl, Rick, Glenn and Maggie inside the block. “Ya get anything?” I asked. They emptied their bags to show water, cans of spaghetti and soup, Judith’s things, some ibuprofen and other medical supplied, ammo and some books and comics for Carl and I. I looked at the books that I had in my hands. The titles were To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K Rowling, Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare and a bunch of Simpsons comics. “We passed a book store and you always seem to have a book in your hand. I saw you had a Harry Potter book so I got you another and another bunch of books I thought you’d enjoy. I remembered Carl saying that you loved The Simpsons so I made sure I got some Simpson’s comics for you”, Maggie said. “Thank you so much. This means a lot”, I said as I gave each of them a hug. “Jade, can I talk to you for a second?” Daryl asked. I nodded before following him outside. He pulled a box out of his pocket. “Open it”, he said as he gave it to me. I lifted to the lid to the small box to see a gold coloured necklace with some sort of Crystal letter J with gold lining the outside. I gasped as I saw it. “Daryl, you didn’t have to do this”, I said. “You deserved it. Jade, you’ve gone through so much. I was walking in a town and passed a jewellery store and saw it. The price was quite expensive but who cares anymore. I also got something for everyone. I got Carol and Beth necklaces, Maggie a bracelet and Judith a little bracelet that has the letter J engraved in the back. I got all the guys nice watches”, he replied. “This is amazing Daryl. Thank you so much. It literally means the world to me. Did you get anything for yourself?” I asked. He lifted up his wrist to show a sports watch. I smiled at him before walking back inside.

Daryl had given everyone their presents and everyone was extremely happy. Daryl did so much for this group yet nobody but Carol and I seemed to thank him. Carl would occasionally. Now was one of the only times I heard the words “Thank You” come out of everyone’s mouths. “Nice watch”, I said to Carl as he put on his watch Daryl had given him. “Thanks”, he replied. I took the necklace out of its box. “Do you mind putting my necklace on me?” I asked. He nodded as he took my necklace and stood behind me. He swept my long curly hair to the side and put the necklace around my neck before clasping it at the back. “There”, he said as I shook my hair back to the way it was. “Thanks”, I said as I turned around. “Anytime”, he replied sweetly.

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