11. Walkers and Fences... Not A Good Mix

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Jade’s POV

“Hey, my Dad went on a run with carol. They’ll be back soon”, Carl said to me quietly. I nodded and stayed in silence. After the Walker Incident the other day I haven’t been talking much. I’ve shown quite a fair bit of gratitude to Daryl though. I mean, he did save our lives. “You alright?” he asked as he wrapped an arm around my waist. “I’m… fine. Sorry I’ve been a bit uh, distant lately”, I said looking at the ground. He pulled me closer to him and gave me a kiss on the head. “It’s alright. We almost died”, he said.

Soon enough Rick came back on his lonesome. He walked into where we were. “Got some food for ya”, he said as he chucked a big packet of food to us. “Wow. Thanks Rick! Just wondering… where’s Carol?” I asked casually. He looked down for a second before reconnecting eye contact with me. “She needed a little bit of time to herself. She might come back”, he said.

“What about Lizzie and Mika? They look up to Carol. She promised their father that she would look after them”, I said with a stern look. Rick sighed before replying, “They’ll be okay. They’re in quarantine. Don’t worry about Carol. She has a food, water and a car. She knows the way back to the prison”.  I nodded as he walked off.

 Suddenly Carl and I heard the distant scream of Maggie. We both immediately grabbed our guns and my bow & arrow and ran outside. The heat stuck me instantly and I suddenly felt hot. We sprinted as fast as we could and soon what came into view was that walkers were pressed up against the fence and it was falling down. We both followed Rick and got bits and metal as we could kill them. As soon as I reached the fence I prodded them in the head as fast as I could, so we could kill them efficiently. Suddenly I saw one whose head was slicing through the wire fence. “God, I think I’m gonna throw up”, I said gesturing to the walker. I repetitively stabbed them. “It’s not going to hold much longer”, Maggie said as we noticed the metal starting to bend. We pushed against the fence in the opposite direction to the walkers but they had definitely out numbered us. Rick got pieces of wood and placed them against the fence but they instantaneously started to splinter. “Run”, Rick yelled and we all did as efficiently and quickly as possible.

“You okay babe?” Carl asked me. I smiled kindly at him in nodded in response. “What about you?” I asked. He chuckled and replied, “I’m fine”. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and nuzzled my head in his neck. He smelt of dirt, which I had gotten used to and now adored the smell. He tightened the hug. I missed standing in the sun and soaking up all of its warmth. Ever since the people from Woodbury had fallen ill we had been trapped, and to escape that feeling of claustrophobia felt quite nice. “Sorry to interrupt but Carl, would you help me with the gardening?” Rick said as he put a hand on Carl’s shoulder. We both unwrapped our arms from each other and stood apart. “Be back soon”, he said before giving me a kiss on the cheek.

Carl’s POV

I watched as Jade started to walk back up to the prison. “Things are seeming quite serious between the two of you”, my dad commented. My face immediately got extremely hot and I nodded. “Ah, my son’s growing up”, he said as he slapped me on the back casually. I smiled at him before grabbing some gardening equipment and getting to work.


After gardening with Dad I wandered up to the prison to see my lovely girlfriend playing with Judith. “Step one, you say, ‘We need to talk.’

He walks, you say, ‘Sit down. It's just a talk.’

He smiles politely back at you

You stare politely right on through

Some sort of window to your right

As he goes left and you stay right

Between the lines of fear and blame

You begin to wonder why you came

Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend

Somewhere along in the bitterness

And I would have stayed up with you all night

Had I known how to save a life”, she sang beautifully to my little sister. “Beautiful”, I commented. She looked up at me and smiled.

“Hey can we go for a walk?” I asked her. She nodded and gave Judith to Beth. We started to walk. It was nearing dusk. The sun set gave the sky a pink/orange colour which looked beautiful. “Was there any particular reason why you wanted to go for a walk?” Jade asked sweetly. In response I smashed my lips against hers and pulled her close. She kissed back and smiled a little in the kiss. I pulled away after a while. “Jade, damn you’re so beautiful. I love you so much, you know that right?” he said with a smirk. I blushed and slightly tilted my head towards the ground. “I love you so much as well”, I said before I leant in to kiss him. “Carl! Jade! Help-” Rick started to say but got cut off by a loud thump. One of the fences had fallen down. We instantly sprinted over to Rick. He each gave us a machine gun. Rick gave me a slight nod and I held my finger down on the trigger. A few bullets would travel through one walker’s brain into the one behind it. There were around 50-60 walkers in the proximity we were in. “Jade, move back”, Carl shouted as he tugged slightly on my shirt. The walkers were getting fairly close, so I did as Carl suggested and moved a fair bit back before shooting more walkers. Soon enough we had taken them all down thanks to these hand guns. “Rick, what are we gonna do about the fence?” I asked as I pointed the bent fence. “We’ll fix it”, Rick replied as he started to do so. We obviously helped as it definitely was not a one man job… or woman… just saying.

Soon enough we had sort of patched up the fence. “This will have to make do until the morning”, Rick said with a sigh before thanking us. We walked back up to our cells and I immediately fell asleep. A lot had happened today.   

A/N- Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've had to study for exams and then you know... take the exams, and then I stayed at a friends house last night and watched Paranormal Activity 3 (had already seen it but still enjoyed it) and played Halo 4 on Xbox 360.

Oh my gosh I am sooooo happy. I finally beat the objective I was trying to reach on The Walking Dead Survival Instinct.

Oh, and my dad also ordered me an Arctic Monkeys t-shirt off ebay which I'm super happy about!!!!!! Thank you Daddy!

Sorry this chapter was kind of short. Promise that next one will be longer! Have a good day and I'll see you soon... well have an authors note soon. I can't see you. That would be stalkerish.



We Found Love in a World Like This- Carl Grimes (Chandler Riggs) FanficWhere stories live. Discover now